Page 2 of Cameron

“Yes, but you put yourself in danger and that’s a whole fucking different story. If it wasn’t for the security I had on you and Cam being nearby to let you crash in his place, you would have been at the mercy of some sick fuck. Hell, do you even remember ending up in Cam’s bed?” My phone takes that moment to ring, allowing me to calm down before I snap on my best friend for talking to his sister like that, even though I’m just as pissed about yesterday.

I step out of the room and take Granger’s call. “The punk was arrested last night. He went into another bar and tried to drug another student. The bartender caught him and called the cops.”

“Good. Fucker didn’t learn his lesson.” I suppose it worked out for the best, although I should have beat his ass so he couldn’t have tried to assault another girl.

I entered my bedroom to Elena’s gasp of “Oh my God.”

“Relax, he sees you like a little sister.” The fuck I do. I see her as his sister who I want to bang and breed and if I had my way she’d be Mrs. King already.

“Sorry for the trouble I caused, Mr. King.”

“It’s Cameron. You know that.”

“Where’s my dress? I can give you your clothes back now.”

“Later. That dress needs to be burned,” Elias answers for me like he’s fucking reading my mind. “Let’s get some food in you and home to rest.”

“Sounds like a smart idea,” I answer before someone else interrupts me.

Although I say goodbye to them five minutes later, it’s for the best. I let my office know that I won’t be dealing with anything else this morning. Stripping out of my clothes, I climb into my recently vacated bed rub her panties in my face. It smells just like my Elena, stiffening my thick, long cock. She left them with her dress after she stripped, and I swiftly swiped them off the floor last night. Bringing them to my length, I use the soft material to stroke myself until I’m coming with Elena’s name and scent enveloping me.

Soon she’d be mine.

Chapter One


“Lena’s heading to Cabo next week.”

I nearly spit out my drink. Instead, I choke on the fucker after having taken a long pull of my beer. Setting it on the bar-top table, I stare at my best friend and former college roommate as if he’s grown two heads. “You okay?” he asks, staring at me with his brow raised, face mixed with concern and shock, matching mine.

“Yeah. Caught an air bubble.” I take a deep breath and then let him know what popped into my head instantly. “I can’t believe you’re letting her go.” I grip my beer bottle, trying not to break the damn thing with the angry annoyance racing through me. The feelings bubbling up through my veins at the moment border on violence right now, but I remind myself that no one knows about my obsession but myself. So how could my best friend know that he’s crossed me, betrayed me by letting his sister go away?

Elena Kostas has been in my head from the first day I visited them over the holiday break four years ago. Four long years, and I could still remember the way she looked in that sexy red Santa dress. No one that young should look that damn good, especially someone who belongs to me, and over the years, she’s only gotten better with age.

“She’s twenty-one and in her last year of college. It’s not like I can stop her, but that doesn’t mean I’m not shitting bricks and thinking about a way to handle this.” The prick shouldn’t even let her go.

“And you don’t want to follow her because she’ll be pissed.” Well, I don’t care if she’s pissed because I’m already rearranging my schedule in my head. There’s no way she’s going to get away with going there without me. Fuck, no. It’s going to be over my damn dead body. Or every other dead body I leave in my wake. It’s a line I never crossed personally, but that could change. She nearly pushed me over the edge once.

“Of course.” He seems so freaking cool with this, as if this isn’t a big deal, and then it hits me because he has a plan that doesn’t involve him following her at all—my help will be enlisted, and I’m more than prepared for the job.

“And I’m guessing you want me to send one of my men down there to watch after her.” I own a high-level security guard firm. We handle lots of clients and are constantly growing. My father owned the firm before he retired and reluctantly handed it over to me. I spent eight years in college getting a dual degree in engineering and technology to expand on the company, making it a multibillion-dollar business with my newly designed software—doing everything to please the pain in the ass, only to find more stipulations in the takeover of the company which included waiting to marry.

“Actually…” He smiles and pauses. “I was hoping that you could do it.” He squints nervously at me.

“Me? I’m not a bodyguard.” I’m not going to let anyone else do it no matter what, but that doesn’t mean that I want him to believe that. My dick jolts in my gray slacks, thinking about getting my beautiful woman alone from prying eyes, and now I have his permission, even if it’s not the way he intended.

“Yes, but I don’t trust anyone else with her safety.” And there it is. Fuck. He trusts me to protect his baby sister when all I want to do is fuck her into a stupor, breeding her so that no other fucking cock could claim her.

It’s been all I’ve thought about, so much so that I’ve turned into a prick around her to fight the need to take her when I couldn’t. She hates me and rightfully so, but her traitorous body doesn’t. I’ve seen the way she gets excited when I brush past her, which I intentionally do because I need that slight touch much more than she does. Soon, I’ll satisfy all her desires. The last time I swear I could smell her sweet pussy as she walked past me on the sofa. I wanted to drag ass in front of me and bite her tight little cunt, but Elias was sitting right next to us.

As if I didn’t have an ounce of interest invested in Elena’s activities, I pull out my phone and load my calendar. “I’ll have to check my schedule.” It doesn’t matter what’s on it because it’s all wiped off the calendar as far as I’m concerned. All that matters is making sure the world knows she belongs to me.

“Please. I know it’s out of the blue, but she just pulled this shit on me last night.” Smart girl. Elena knew he’d come up with something to stop her plans if she gave him any more notice.

“Fine. Let’s finish our food because I have to figure out how to take the time off. Also, I’ll need all her information that you can get. Hotel room, flight, etcetera.” Honestly, I’ve lost all interest in food, but I have to act natural when my insides are a complete fucking mess. My mind is scheming while my balls are filling with seed ready to breed her tight cunt.

“Don’t worry. I’ve got it right here. I asked her for her information because I wanted to make sure she got there safely. Or at least that’s what I promised I wanted it for.” That’s good, because that bad girl is going to pay for planning this trip in the first place. It’s a betrayal of our relationship that she’s not aware we’re in.