Looking around the space I’m currently occupying, I guess it to be a small apartment. Although it looks worse for wear, it’s really clean and the sheets smell new.

“Where are we?” I ask.

“It’s a small apartment complex that rents by the week.” He answers, offering me some more water which I take gratefully.

“How long have I been asleep?” I ask, figuring it to only have been a few hours. My body is still hurting all over.

“You’ve been in and out for three days.” His admission has my eyes widening so fast that it sends a sharp pain through my entire head and I groan.

“Head hurt?” I just nod my answer. He looks down at his watch, “It’s time again for your pain meds anyway. The others are wearing off. I’ve been giving you morphine through your I.V. but do you think aspirin will cover it?”

I’m shocked yet again by what he says. Just who is this guy?

“Who are you?” I ask, needing to know.

“Giovanni. We’ve already met, remember? At the cafe?” He smiles slightly.

Rolling my eyes as best I can, I say, “That’s not what I meant.”

“I know what you meant.” He sighs. “Can we save that conversation for later?” He asks.

Looking at him closely, I wonder for only a few minutes if I should be afraid of whom he really is.

This mysterious man that showed up out of nowhere and saved my life. I shake those thoughts quickly just from the look in his eyes. He has kind eyes, although he tries to hide it.

“Okay.” I answer simply. “We’ll talk about it later.”

“Good. Now, do you think you can manage to eat a little something? I made some soup.” He smiles as my stomach rumbles loudly right then.

“I think that’s a yes.” I whisper.

He nods once and leaves out the bedroom door. He doesn’t close the door for which I am grateful.

Closed doors make me feel as though I am locked away.

I push myself up higher onto the bed, propping myself up with my pillows so that I can look around a bit more.

Thinking about how long I’ve been here, those assholes have had enough time to have contacted Scotty to let him know everything.

He’ll most likely send even more men to help them track us down faster since he knows what city I’ve been hiding out in.

For all I know, he already has men here. He has contacts all over because of the business he’s in. Gio and I will need to leave as soon as we can to get a head start.

My only hope is that he’ll continue helping me, at least until I can find somewhere new to stay for a while undetected.