I wait until she’s fully asleep before I go into the other room to put on a pot of coffee. I’ll need to stay up to watch her for a while longer although it’s safe to say she’ll fully recover.

Having retrieved her purse from the alley last night, I’ve already gone through the entire contents only to discover there’s not a single thing inside of it to identify who she is.

Yes, I know she goes by Raven but what’s her last name? Maybe Raven isn’t her name at all.

She’s important enough to someone that he’d send his minions to retrieve her and not give a damn in what condition she is returned.

Finding out who she is will be tricky. Thankfully I have contacts that have access to all government records and technology. Which includes the crazy facial recognition software the government secretly uses as well as fingerprint technology.

Since there is not a single picture of her in her purse and she doesn’t seem to own a cell phone, I’ll need to take my chances with her fingerprints which I already lifted from her before she woke up.

I would rather know who my enemy is before he ever knows about me. It’s easier to kill your prey when they never realize they are being hunted.

I’ll need to find a better place for us to go until I can figure out my plan. I don’t like leaving things to chance. Staying here leaves the chance that the “boss” knew where his dogs were and just might send more guys to find out why they’ve not checked in.

We need to be long gone from here by then. Hopefully I can move her without causing too much more pain than what she is currently feeling just from laying on the bed.

Picking up the phone, I dial my brother’s number. He has other connections that just might come in handy.


I drift in and out of consciousness without any sense of time passing. It feels as though only a few hours have passed.

At one point of wakefulness, I realize that there’s an I.V. in my arm although I have no recollection of when Gio even put it there.

Considering that I hate needles, it’s a damn good thing I was still passed out when he did it.

“Are you awake, little bird?” I hear his voice from the door.

Barely opening my eyes, I notice that I can see him slightly better than I could have before.

“Yes.” I croak.

He walks further into the room, grabbing a water bottle with a straw and holding it up to my mouth letting me drink.

“Thank you.” I whisper, he only nods back.