The hours fly by instead of dragging because we were more busy than usual. There must be a convention going on in the hotel down the street.

“Hey Raven, Sal can cover the rest of the night. I have your paycheck ready on my desk.” Bobby says from the door to the kitchen. “Can you take the garbage out on your way?”

“No problem. Thanks Bobby.” I say with a smile.

“You come back to town, you know where there’s a job waiting for you.” He smiles back with a nod before disappearing into the kitchen again.

As I pass Gio’s table, his voice stops me.

“Not working until close tonight?” He murmurs.

“No. This is actually my last night.” I answer.

He just stares back, not saying anything and I continue to the office to get my check. I’ll grab the garbage and leave out the back way.

Looking back, Gio’s eyes are still on me.

“It was nice meeting you.”

He just nods back and I disappear through the door.


Not much shocks me but the revelation that it was her last night at the cafe did. Did she find another job?

I already know the answer to that. I heard her boss say if she ever came back to town again she would have a job. That means she’s leaving town.

Last night when I thought she was packing, I was right. But where she’s going and why is a question I have this need to know.

After waiting fifteen minutes for her to come back, I realize she must have left out through the back when she took the garbage out.

Getting up, I throw down some money to cover my tab and walk out. I’ll head to her apartment and try to track her without being seen. I can’t let her just walk away without knowing where she’s going.

As I walk past the alley, I hear a scuffle and a moan that sounds feminine. Knowing it’s the same alley way that Raven would have been in, I stick to the shadows making my way towards the sounds.

“Hold her down!” I hear from the other end. “I’m about to get a piece of this bitch before we have to haul her ass back to Miami.”