Chapter 1


Walking into the cafe, I take a seat in the back, facing the door. It’s the best way to not be caught unaware.

I’m only in town to gather Intel on a certain congressman for my employers. It seems he made them some promises that they intend for him to keep. No matter the cost.

“Can I take your order?” I turn to the voice and see the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen. My eyes rake over her slowly.

“Coffee. Black.” I murmur, not taking my eyes off of her even as she walks away.

What the fuck is wrong with me? I’ve seen beautiful women before.

Putting it out of my mind, I pull out my phone to send in an update, not bothering to look up when the waitress brings my coffee, setting it in front of me.

Her sweet smelling perfume seems to linger in the air around me. Looking up, I watch as she moves around from table to table taking orders.

She smiles at everyone politely but I notice it never reaches her eyes. No one else seems to notice the emptiness behind those dark eyes.

My phone pings telling me that the congressman is on the move. I toss a twenty on the table and head for the door.

Looking back one last time through the window, I catch sight of the waitress picking up the money with a smile that this time reaches her eyes.

Something jolts inside of me at the sight. I zero in on her name tag. Raven. The name seems to fit her perfectly.

Deciding right then, that I’ll come back later to eat again even though as a rule I never return to the same place in such a short amount of time.

It’s how I manage to stay under the radar. To not get caught. I’m not a good man by society’s standards. I do the jobs that keep others’ hands clean.

There is not a single government on this planet that is not bought and paid for in blood. If I’m ever caught, the government I work for would deny ever knowing me.

Following the tracker on my phone to a warehouse, I sneak in through a window, moving silently towards the voices that I hear in a heated discussion.

Getting into position so that I can listen in, I set up my enhanced recording device to pick up everything they say.

By the end of the impromptu meeting, I’m sure that I have more than enough for my employer to get what he wants from the congressman.

Three days later, I still haven’t left town. Something about the little Raven at the cafe keeps drawing me back.

I’ve pretty much eaten every meal there. The truly crazy part? The woman never seems to be off work. I thought places like this did shifts that were split between all the employees yet she’s here through every one of them, working the tables and sometimes helping out in the kitchen.

She’s tried to engage in conversation with me on several occasions but I never answer with more than a yes or no.

While I’ve been studying her, I’ve noticed that she’s started studying me. It’s almost like she’s not sure if she should run.

She’s gotten more nervous around me as the days have passed. She spilled my coffee when filling my cup a few minutes ago.

I want to ask her what has her wound so tight that she looks ready to break but I keep my silence.

She’s become an obsession that I don’t need. I’ve already been called in for another job that I need to get to but I’ve put them off for now.

“I have to take the garbage out back. We’ll be closing soon. Will you be okay out here by yourself for a few minutes?” I hear Raven’s sweet voice ask from the counter.

Looking up into her eyes, she gets a deer in headlights look on her face. So, she feels something too? That’s interesting.

“Yes. I’m going to finish my coffee.” I say.

She stands there until I look away, breaking our connection. The small smile on my mouth feels foreign but I think I like it.