I turn back to get the last word. “I can’t tat my own ass. I would have to get someone else to do it.”
I should’ve known he would have a follow up. “That’s ok I trust that Lily isn’t into you.”
Shaking my head I leave the room. We could go back and forth like this for hours, while it would be entertaining; I just made plans with my sister-in-law. She is going to gather up the girls and meet me at Bella’s Brew.
I was going to suggest we go to a local dive bar, but that wouldn’t be fair to Miranda or Mina since they can’t drink.
On my way out the door, I remember something that was bothering me and turn back. “Hey Baratta, while you were gone for work. I noticed some of the club guys hanging around. I know you didn’t rat me out to my brother. Any idea what’s up with that?”
“I called Timber on my way out of town to let him know I’d be gone for a few days. Maybe he sent them around.”
“You going to join the club?”
“No, I thought about it, but Timber said I would have to go in as a prospect. There is no way I’m going to be a grunt at this point in my life.”
“Ok, I heard they were considering taking on some new prospects. See ya.” I walk to the door once again.
“Get back here woman.”
“Excuse me?”
“Damn, I think your head just did a 360. Like in that exorcist movie. Come here and kiss me.”
Fiona is right; I have been a bear the last few days. I’m a little surprised she put up with my shit. Blood came by yesterday while she was working and showed me my helmet. Not even I can believe I walked away from that.
I remember hearing the car rev up behind me, then waking up on her floor with stitches in my head. I have no clue how I got from the accident site to her apartment.
Remembering that Blood wanted all the details and to see the pictures. I decide to call him over while the girls are doing their thing.
When he gets here, I show him everything I’ve got. I pull them from their hiding place, I’m about to hand them to him but stop myself.
“You want me to pull out the naked pictures? I don’t imagine you want to see your sister that way.”
“There are naked pictures?”