“You look awfully happy old man. So what’s up?” Reaper says as he takes the seat across from me.
“What? Can I not just be in a good mood? And I may be turning grey but I am far from old.” I growl as he chuckles at me.
“You forget that we all know you very well. Your ass is never happy. Far back as I can remember you’ve always had a scowl on that face of yours.” He raises a brow waiting for me to elaborate as to why now after all these years I have a genuine smile on my face.
“Maria. I found her on social media several months ago but never messaged her. I wasn’t sure if she would even answer me back. But she did. She’ll be here at the clubhouse on New Year’s Eve for the club party.” I’m still unable to stop smiling. It probably makes me look like I’ve gone crazy seeing as how I don’t smile at anything these days.
“That is great, man,” Reaper chuckles. “I remember hearing about her over the years. Also remember you breaking a chair over Grease’s head back before he was VP just because he whispered her name.”
“That shit wasn’t funny,” Grease complains having overheard our conversation as he walked into the room. “I was only reminding him how badly he fucked up letting the love of his life disappear like he did. Axe told him the same quite a few times over the years if my memory serves me correctly. Giving me a concussion with a chair wasn’t the right way to go.” He rubbed his head and winced. “I still have a fucking scar.”
“Did it teach you to keep your thoughts to yourself while I was piss poor drunk on whiskey?” I ask with a smile.
“It taught me that you are a fucking asshole, which is something we have always known.” He flips me off. “So, she’s coming to the party? I’m happy for you, man, but do you think she’ll take your dumb ass back? Twenty years is a long time; she may not like your ugly mug no more.”
“She might not, but a man can surely hope,” I reply. “She did promise she’d come to the party, so that is something…” I trail off, trying to not let thoughts of her not wanting more with me now that we are older.
I can only hope she understands why I was so stupid back then.
“Hopefully it works out for you, man. I was beginning to wonder if you were going to make a move or not. When I seen her at the store then told you about it, you didn’t even act like you gave a shit.”
“Of course I gave a shit. So, thanks for that.” I simply state to Grease. “Reaper, is that shipment ready to go yet? I’m more than ready to get it done and back in time for the party.” I ask as I turn to look his way again.
Reaper nodded at me. “It’s all set. I sent the address for the drop off to your phone so you can put it into the GPS in the truck.”
“Thanks, man. I’ll see you all when I get back.” “Be careful on the roads, Chucky,” Reaper calls after me. “Although this shipment is going south, there is a chance of you running into some sleet and ice along the way.”
I wave a hand to let him know that I heard him before walking out into the cold.