3 Months Later:
“I’m moving back home. It’s what is best for me right now. I want to go back to college and get my degree. My family will be there to help me if I need it.” I tell Chucky over the phone.
“I don’t see what you expect me to say. Your mind is made up already.”
“Maybe we’ll see each other again, eventually?” I question and hope that it is true. I am in love with this man and I don’t think he even knows it. He’s actually acting like he doesn’t care that I am leaving. Surely he can hear the tears in my voice?
If he would just give me a tiny hint that he felt the same way, I would tell him that I love him. It’s way too hard for me to admit to feelings like that. Most of the time others don’t feel the same and it makes it even more painful to try to let go.
“If we are meant to be, we will see each other again. Just take care of yourself, Maria. I have to go. Bye.”
He hangs up and my heart shatters even more.
We both knew this day was coming. I still hold hope, though, that he will care enough to want to talk about still seeing each other long distance. I know it will be hard, but surely we can do it. From the way he acted just now on the phone, I don’t think his heart is invested at all. Maybe my own heart is lying to me about how real our love really is.
I just need to give myself a few months to get over it and I will be fine, I think to myself as I get into my car that is already packed with all of my things. I merge on the four-lane headed south.
Even though I don’t look back, I still cry the entire trip south.