I almost didn’t comprehend the words. My ears and heart still rung with the astounding pronouncement he’d made moments earlier.
He loves me.
I blinked my eyes in confusion. “Oh, your parents are herenow?”
“Mom texted to tell me they were on their way. That’s why I was searching for you.Thiswas an added benefit.”
Giving me another brief kiss, he took my hand to lead me inside. He turned toward the banquet room, but I stopped in the hallway.
“Wait—I’d better go check my makeup first.”And pull myself together.“I’ll meet you in there.”
I spent a few minutes repairing the delicious damage Larson’s mouth and hands had done to my face and hairstyle, grinning at my reflection like a maniac.
He loves me!
When I entered the banquet room, my eyes immediately found him standing with a dashing gray-haired man about his same height—his father, I guessed—and his tall, dark-haired mom, who I, and probably most other average Americans, recognized on sight from her famous clothing line.
I smiled and walked toward them, nervous but eager to meet my boyfriend’s parents.
Boyfriend. Squee!
On the way, I subtly glanced around the room. I didn’t see Momma. Did I even dare to dream that I could keep Larson’s parents and mine apart the entire evening?
Maybe she and Daddy left early for some reason?
Reaching the Overstreets without catching a single glimpse of her, I breathed a sigh of relief.
So far so good.
Larson extended his hand to me as I drew close, grasping it and pulling me to his side when I reached him.
“Mom, Dad, I’d like for you to meet my girlfriend, Kenley Carpenter.” He looked down at me, beaming. “Kenley, please meet my father Warren Overstreet, and my mother Corina Videau.”
“I’m so happy to meet you.” I shook Mr. Overstreet’s hand, hoping he didn’t notice the trembling of mine. Had he toldthemhe loved me?
“So nice to finally meet you, Kenley,” he said and seemed to mean it.
“Call us Warren and Corina—please,” Larson’s mom said. Instead of a handshake, Corina leaned in for a cheek kiss. Not an air kiss, a real one.
As cool and sophisticated as she looked, her personality was warm and friendly.
“I’m so delighted to have a chance to meet you, Kenley. Larson’s told us so much about you. I understand you’re a very talented journalist.”
My face heated instantly. “Oh. Well, that’s so nice. I love my job, and Larson makes it easy. I write the scripts, but he delivers them perfectly. He makes me look good.”
Larson looked down at me with a proud smile. “You don’t need any help in that department.”
He folded his fingers with mine, and I saw his parents smile. So—it was out there—we were officially together and public about it.
“Are you enjoying your visit to Atlanta?” I asked.
“We love coming down South, but I’m afraid we won’t be staying long this time. We came to support our friends tonight, and of course we wanted to meet you. But we have plans for an early flight home in the morning,” Mr. Overstreet said.
“You’ll have to come to New York for a weekend soon, so we can become better acquainted,” Corina added brightly.
I blinked a few times. “Oh, of course. I’d love to. Thank you.”
My heart lifted. Not only did Larson’s parents seem to approve of me enough to invite me to their home, but Momma still hadn’t surfaced.