I felt a secret grin form on my face, thinking of the wardrobe of fancy dresses that had hung in my closet untouched for months.
“I’ll see what I have.”
“Well, don’t stress about it. You’ll look pretty in anything.”
Larson opened the door, preparing to walk me to my car, then looked down at himself.
“I, however, should probably put on some pants, or I’ll be on the news tomorrow for all the wrong reasons.”
Larson picked me up at the house Friday night.
Thankfully, Momma and Daddy were already out for the evening. They’d left before I’d gotten home from work for a party at the country club, and I was relieved Momma wasn’t around to harass Larson.
It was also comforting to know my parents would be sharing a table at the event with Mark and his parents.
Ihadbeen a bit concerned about possibly running into him at Larson’s gala. Mark’s family wasn’t in the same financial league as the Overstreets, but as far as Atlanta society went, the Fitzsimmons were on the top rung. High-ticket charity balls were right in their wheelhouse.
“Woo woo.”
Cadence made an exaggerated noise of admiration as I emerged from my room into the hallway. “You look incredible. Poor Larson’s eyes are gonna pop right out of his head, and he’ll have to use Braille scripts on the news from now on.”
I smoothed my hands over my dress, experiencing a peculiar mixture of self-consciousness and shimmering anticipation.
“You really think so—think he’ll like it?” I wanted him to. So much.
“Unless he’s already blind. And gay. And stupid. Are you kidding me? He’ll love it. You may not even make it to the ball.” She waggled her eyebrows suggestively.
“Hush. Thanks, though.” I exhaled a shaky breath. “I can’t believe how nervous I am.”
“Well, calm down. You don’t want to sweat all over that fancy dress.”
She was right. It was a buttercup yellow plunging halter-neck goddess gown—tight around the waist and flowy at the bottom. Mom had insisted on buying it for a function I’d attended with Mark, and it had cost a fortune.
I spotted Cadence’s backpack slung over her shoulders. “Are you staying in studying again tonight?”
“Yeah. You know. The glamorous life of a double-engineering major.”
“But it’s Friday. You fussed atmefor living like a shut-in—look at you. Your college years are supposed to be at least alittlebit fun. You should go out with some of your girlfriends.”
I raised an eyebrow as I did a little fishing. “Or maybe a cute guy from one of your classes? What about Troy? You’ve mentioned him a couple times.”
She shrugged. “He’s fine. One’s as good as the next, I guess. Maybe tomorrow.”
She started down the staircase, and I lifted the hem of my dress to follow, making my way down slowly and carefully in my towering heels.
My stomach was like a bag of microwave popcorn, jumping and shaking with steam. Larson had never seen me dressed up, except for in the one photo on my phone.
Tonight, I had put all my years of cosmetic experience and know-how into my look, and I’d done my hair in smooth old-Hollywood-style waves. I couldn’t help but wonder what his reaction would be.
The doorbell rang, and Cadence called out, “I’ll get it.”
I reached the bottom of the staircase just as she opened the front door and Larson came into view. He wore a beautiful tux that fit his tall, athletic form as if it had been made just for him.
Considering the fact his mother was a clothing designer, it probably had.