She doesn't wait for me to respond, just turns to walk away, but I am quick in getting off the lounger and catching up with her. I pull her by the hips, flip her around, and push her against the wall by the door where we can't be seen from anyone inside.
Her startled gasp has me reminiscing about the noises she made last night as she rode my fingers, and I feel desperate to touch her again, but I can't, not here. Instead I kiss her, pressing my lips to hers and dragging my tongue along the seam until she opens for me. When I slip my tongue into her mouth she moans against mine and my dick stirs awake. I don't let the kiss linger, but it’s still hot and heavy, and when I pull back she is gasping.
"Happy birthday, Riley." I don't wait for a response, just push open the door beside her and head to my room, bypassing everything until I can get to the shower.
Last night was the best night I have ever spent with a girl and she didn’t even touch my dick. I feel the shake in my hand as I swipe it through my hair under the spray but choose to ignore it, I’m high on something else today. Once I’m fresh and clean, I throw on some clothes and head back out of my room to join everyone.
Gerry and Ava are laying plates across the table, and Sofia is sitting on the breakfast bar swinging her legs as she directs them where to put things. There is a huge cake in the middle of the table, cupcakes surrounding it, and numerous platters of breakfast foods including pancakes, bacon, eggs, hash browns, and a variety of fruits. It looks amazing and like something Elle would arrange back at home.
“Jacey!” Sofia yells out as soon as she sees me. “You did sleepover without me again.”
Gerry laughs just as Ava tries and fails to hide a smile, I step up to her and ruffle her hair, “Sorry, Fifi, it wasn’t planned I swear.”
“I forgive you,” she smiles easily as Ava offers me some coffee.
“You look like you slept well,” she comments as she passes me a cup.
I nod slowly, “I did surprisingly, thanks, I think the fresh air was good for me.”
Gerry laughs, “If that’s the story you want to go with.” Ava punches him in the stomach and he grunts, still smirking.
I am literally stunned into silence, it’s quite obvious they aren’t buying the we fell asleep story and given Riley isn’t here yet I’m not sure what to say. I have never been in this position with a girl and her parents before, this is a very unique situation, a situation that also involves our sister. We need to be very careful.
Before I can respond or say anything else, Riley appears freshly showered, wearing loose fitting pajama pants and a shirt. Her eyes connect with mine straight away, but then she looks away quickly and moves towards her parents.
“You guys went overboard,” she smiles, taking in the array of food on the table. “I told you this was too much last year, we are never gonna eat all this.”
“We have Jace here this year, he can help,” Sofia chimes in, holding her arms out to me so I can help her down from the breakfast bar. “You’re hungry aren’t you, Jace?”
My eyes are still fixed on Riley, “Yes, I’m starving.” Her eyes drop to the floor as she blushes, choosing to ignore me and moving over to her mom.
Ava hugs her daughter wishing her a happy birthday before we all take a seat round the table. We eat, talk, laugh, and the Deckers all hand over presents to Riley. She doesn’t look my way, but I can tell she is wondering whether I have gotten her a gift or not, and I have, it’s just not one I can give her, not right now anyway.
I hand her a card and she barely looks at me as she offers me thanks, opening it and reading it quickly before putting it in a pile with the rest. Just as I am about to spoil her surprise, my phone rings. I pull it from my pocket and smile when I see her name.
I look at Riley, “Excuse me, I have to take this.” I stand from the table as I swipe the answer button on my phone and speak into it. “Hey, Pretty Girl, I was beginning to think you were never going to call me.”
Riley frowns in disappointment as I step away from the table and I just know her surprise is going to be all the more worth it later. I move a few feet away so I can talk without her hearing me.
“You sound chipper this morning,” Elle comments dryly.
“I’m in a good mood,” I answer her honestly, knowing she understands how rare that is these days.
“I’m glad to hear it,” she rustles away from the phone as she speaks to someone else,.“No don’t sit them together, put her over there by the investor’s table, yes and move them there.” She comes back to me, “Sorry, Pretty Boy, I’m working early today.”
“It’s okay, did you sort out what I need?” For my surprise to work it required a lot of persuading, and money.
I practically hear her eyes roll through the phone as she scoffs at me, “Of course I did, what do you take me for, the guy will see you both at 7pm, he said the pieces you requested should only take a couple of hours between him and his partner.”
“You’re an angel, has anyone ever told you that?” I’m not thankful for a lot of things in my life, never needed to be, but Elle King will always be one of them.
“It’s not usually a word used to describe me.” She laughs again and I smile.
“Beautiful, smart, bad ass, Queen, there’s a few suitable adjectives for you.”
“You’re ridiculous sometimes.” She deflects my compliments like she does with everyone else’s before adding, “I’m so jealous of you right now, it’s been ages since I got some ink, my body is in need.”
“Your body is in need? Sounds like your man isn’t satisfying you enough.” I tease, and she laughs brightly, making me miss her presence around me.