“Billy? Is that really you?” They both smile at one another as recognition flows and when they reach us they do that bro hug thing that guys always do to one another. When he pulls back, Jace is still smiling. “You’ve grown up, what happened to skinny?”
The guy, Billy, laughs. “I took your advice and started hitting the gym, clearly you still work out a lot.” He jokes nodding to Jace’s body and the girl with them lets her eyes check him out, a smile crossing her face as she pushes out her chest.
I feel my throat thicken as I think about her taking an interest in him. Silly little crush, nothing more, but as I repeat those words once again I know they are bullshit. I know now that I have been hiding behind my relationship with Rick, adamant that I wasn’t attracted to Jace, but I’ve got nowhere to hide anymore.
“Who’s the hottie?” Billy asks, his own eyes making no secret of checking me out, as his other two friends do the same.
I feel Jace stiffen beside me, but then his hand reaches out and pulls me in by my waist until our bodies are pushed against one another side by side. “This is my girl, Riley.”
Five words that set my soul on fire and they aren’t even true. The girl checking him out doesn’t hide her distaste of me as she looks me over before clearly deciding I am not worth any jealousy.
“You always did have good taste.” Billy winks and then holds his hand out to me. “Hey, I’m Billy.” I take his hand as he nods his head at the others. “This is Brian, Chase, and Katie.” I offer a tight smile to each of them.
“Billy and I were in foster care together,” Jace adds to me before looking back at Billy. “Are you doing alright?”
Billy nods. “I’m doing good man, got myself a good set up with a few friends, I heard you hit it big?” I see the girl take an even bigger interest in Jace now as he asks that.
Jace smiles the only way he does when he thinks of his family. “I found myself a good family, better than I deserve.”
I can’t stand when he puts himself down and before I can stop myself I add, “He’s being modest, they’re lucky to have him.” I stare up at him, hoping he knows I am including myself and my family in that statement and I see a shy smile cross his mouth.
Billy laughs. “That sounds nothing like the Jace Conrad I knew.”
“A lot has changed since I last saw you,” Jace admits with his eyes still locked on mine.
I break the stare and look back to his friend, Billy looks between the two of us. “Well, we should catch up, I’m throwing a party tomorrow night, you guys should come.”
I feel my anxiety rise a little at the thought of going to a party where I don’t know anyone, but then I feel the weight of Jace’s fingers still curling around my hip as they flex in response to Billy’s words. The girl beside Billy is smiling even wider now at the thought of Jace coming to a party, and I see her push her chest out even more. Jace’s eyes roll over her as she bites her lips and the jealousy burns inside of me like lava.
“Me and my girl would love to come, wouldn’t we, Red?” The girl tracks his hand as it moves round onto my stomach.
I force a smile as I try to ignore his touch. “Sure, sounds fun.”
“Jacey!” Sofia comes barrelling back over with my dad in tow.
We both turn to him and he doesn’t even blink at Jace’s arm around me as he speaks to us both, “We are heading for lunch guys, are you coming, or staying with your friends?” He nods to Billy and co, offering them a quick smile.
“We’re coming,” Jace replies before I can, and I’m grateful as I feel like there are no words that I could offer in this moment that wouldn’t be about the feel of his skin against mine.
“Yay!” Sofia yells as my dad nods another smile.
She follows my dad back over to my mom as Jace tells Billy we are heading out. They exchange numbers and Billy agrees to send over the details of the party before we say our goodbyes and they head off back the way they came, but not before the girl gives Jace a little wink as she sashays away and I roll my eyes with a scoff.
“We don’t have to go to the party, I just agreed so he wouldn’t get on my back about it, I know it’s not really your scene.” His arm finally drops from my torso and I immediately feel the loss of his touch.
I have to clear my throat before I can respond. “What makes you think it’s not my scene?”
He smiles knowingly. “The look on your face everytime I see you at a party.”
I open my mouth to say something, but then close it again, I can’t believe he picked up on that. I have been going to parties for the last two years and not once has Rick ever mentioned my anxiety about attending them, even when we were just friends. I have barely spent any time with Jace at any of the parties beyond catching him with his pants down and yet still he noticed. Why does he have to be that guy? The one who sees things about me without me having to show him, he needs to stop being so nice.
I smirk, blowing out a breath, “Yeah well, you can show me how a Rebel parties.”
His grin becomes predatory. “Oh, I don't think you can handle that, good girl,” he purrs, bringing his body too close to mine again as we start to move back towards my family.
I shouldn’t flirt with him, it’s dangerous yet addictive, but I can’t help myself as I reply, “Oh yeah? Show me your worst, Playboy.” I nudge him with my shoulder and his eyes flare with desire if I’m not mistaken.
He spins in front of us and starts walking backwards, “Be careful what you wish for, Red.” He winks and then turns and sprints the rest of the way back to my parents.