Jace: Forget little Dicky and let me show you the ropes
I feel my cheeks flame as red as my hair as I read each of them. I know he is probably exaggerating to make me feel better, but this is exactly the kind of response you want when building up the courage to send this kind of picture.
Jace: Seriously Red I’m hard as fuck!
I squash down my embarrassment and if I’m honest with myself, flattery, and type out a reply.
Riley: JACE! You can’t say stuff like that to me! And for the last time my boyfriend's name is Rick!
Jace: If you have a boyfriend then why are you sending me nudes? *thinking emoji*
Oh my god, he really is insufferable.
Riley: I’ve decided I really do hate you! Forget I even texted you and delete that picture!
Jace: No you don’t! And no can do Red, it’s for my eyes only, or maybe I’ll make it my screensaver so I can get hard everytime I look at the time *shrug emoji*
Riley: Jace I’m serious!
Jace: So am I. Now I’m going to go jerk off to your picture. Goodnight Riles *wink emoji*
My eyes nearly jump from my skull when I read his last message and I find my thighs pressing together without my consent at such thoughts. Shit! I should not be smiling right now. I toss my phone onto the bedside table like it’s on fire and dive off the bed and turn my light off. Like hiding under my cover can erase the last thirty minutes from existence.
I’m ready to drift off and forget tonight ever happened when my phone lights up in the dark room. I know I shouldn’t look, that no good will come of looking, but every fiber within me can’t stop me from picking up my phone.
It’s from him.
Jace: (image attached)
It’s a picture of himself, lying in bed, shirtless, hand covering his dick, or at least trying to. I can’t see his face, just an intricate design of colorful tattoos I’ve seen before, but never had a chance to look at this closely. His torso really is a masterpiece of art that I can truly appreciate, but my eyes trail right down to his rippled stomach that leads into that stupid V thingy that you see on male models. Of course Jace Conrad has it, because why wouldn’t god bless him with it so he can enjoy all the orgies he can stumble on. I’d roll my eyes at his audacity if I didn’t find myself wondering what it would be like to spend a night with someone like him.
Before I can even think of how to respond another message pops up, followed quickly by another.
Jace: Sharing is caring Riles *shrug emoji*
Jace: You can think of me when you touch yourself tonight little Red *wink emoji*
I quickly place my phone back onto the bedside table and take a deep breath as I close my eyes. The image of him is the first thing I see and I scrunch my eyes harder to rid my brain of it, and try and force myself to calm down. I feel restless as I toss and turn, trying to relax before I give up and let one of my hands drift down my stomach. I pause for just a moment, thinking of how smug Jace’s face would be, before I let my fingers dip inside my panties and find myself damp and needy. I let out a little whimper as I make contact with my clit and feel the desperate need to come pulse through me.
I let my fingers caress and swirl around my nub in a way I know will get me where I need to be quickly, and can’t stop the soft moans that erupt from my mouth. My mind can’t help but conjure up images of Jace at home in bed pleasuring himself, of taking his hard cock in his hand and stroking it to my picture. That thought has a tingling sensation starting at the tip of my toes and rushing up my legs to the apex of my thighs as I climb closer to relief.
I rub my clit harder as I imagine it’s someone else’s fingers instead of my own and my body begins to shake as my orgasm takes over. My fingers keep up their relentless pace against my pussy as I draw out the pleasure as I go over the mountain. I come harder than I can ever remember and can just about catch my breath as I come down from my orgasm.
I pant breathlessly, and it’s only as I drift off to swirling images of color that I realize I forgot all about sending the picture to Rick.
The next few weeks fly by quickly as my routine settles into a new normal for summer. Early mornings working out, days with Sofia while my parents are at work, and my nights split between dancing at the studio or family dinners including Jace. We haven’t spoken about what I am now referring to as my temporary stroke, and it's as if that night never even happened. And as if I didn’t feel guilty enough about it, Rick is there to constantly pile on top of it, we have been non-stop arguing about Jace’s presence around me. He just can't seem to comprehend that I can't just simply avoid Jace. Like what does he expect me to do? He is Sofia’s brother and they want to get to know each other, they have the right to get to know each other, and yeah I might not have agreed with it at first, but that was before. I see how they are together, how attentive Jace is, how hard he's trying.
That’s how I find myself sitting on the front porch, Sofia by my side, waiting for Jace to pick us up. We have consistently hung around the house or gone to the park round the corner, but today he has a surprise planned for Fia, and she is bouncing with excitement beside me. As soon as he mentioned it I felt myself getting defensive and not wanting them to go somewhere that I wouldn’t be able to keep an eye on him, but Jace told me I was coming before I could say anything else about it.
I played it off like I was fine either way, but secretly I was grateful that the invite extended to me, I’m still not ready to trust him completely with our sister. We have been getting along well in the last couple of weeks in the time we have spent together, but I still see the pictures of him at parties, the shake of his hand when he’s been here too long, and the dark circles under his eyes. He might be alert and sober when he’s at our house, but I am pretty sure that’s where it ends.
It’s another reason Rick is constantly on my case about Jace, the only time he sees him is when he’s getting drunk at parties, he doesn’t see the other side to him that I see. He just hates him with a burning rage that won’t flame out. It’s why tonight I have a special evening planned for us. Rick has got the house to himself for the night so he is picking me up for a movie night when I get home later. I am ready to take the next step and think tonight is the perfect night to do it.
Tonight is probably also a good night to mention to Rick that my parents invited Jace on our annual family vacation. Maybe I can drop it in when I take off his clothes and he won’t get so mad? Who am I kidding, naked or not, he is going to lose his shit over it. The family vacation is something we do every year for my birthday, we have a decent sized cabin on Lake Coppice a few hours drive from here. Except this year it won’t just be the four of us. Jace accepted my dad's invitation with a shocked smile as Sofia practically screamed the house down with excitement.