By the time I make it home my head is swirling with so much information and I want answers. I spend two hours on Google looking up all the stuff that went down surrounding Black Hallows at the start of the year, and when it results in me having more questions than answers, I give up. My mom and dad said they had done a background check on him, surely if anything too bad had occurred, they’d know.
I know I have to accept the fact that he is Sofia’s brother, but that doesn’t mean I have to like it, or him. I’m not wasting another second of my time worrying about him, my mom and dad will keep an eye on him and they can do all the stupid freaking family bonding they want. It won’t change the relationship that I have with my sister.
Another drink, another pill, another wet mouth wrapped around my cock. The last few days have all bled together into a blur thanks to the extra stress of finding out about my secret sister. I haven’t been back to see her yet, but we have been texting everyday. I should not be encouraging her to form a bond with me, I’m not someone she can count on, but the light she brings to my dark is something I crave more than anything else.
Little miss I forget her name, moans around my shaft, but for some reason the heat of her mouth isn’t really doing anything for me. I mean I’m hard because even bad head is still head, but I’m just not feeling it. I palm her head, shoving myself further down her throat in an attempt to feel the high I am desperate for.
Green eyes flash into my mind, Taylor’s look of fear is one I will never forget. I wonder how things would have gone between us if she was still alive. Would she have still wanted me? Would I have got her on her knees like this nameless girl before me? Would she have liked it? Could the prim and proper princess have truly fallen for the bad boy? Just as I think that, another face flashes into my head, my palm suddenly curled in her fiery red locks. What the fuck?
As if my mind conjured her, she appears, the door slamming open. “You have got to be kidding me?” The angry voice filters into the room laced in disbelief.
I look up and lock eyes with Riley. I can’t help the smile that breaks across my face at the fact she is finding me literally with my pants down, again. I’d probably feel bad if it weren’t for the cocktail of shit I poured into my system earlier tonight, so the only thing I can feel at seeing her is some weird sort of delight.
The girl sucking my dick falls back in surprise and when she takes in the look on Riley’s face she startles. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.” She grabs her shoes and flees the room like her ass is on fire. We both watch her go before the fiery little redhead turns her eyes back to me.
“Why is it everytime I open a door these days, you are behind it, and naked?” Her tone is demanding and makes my still hard dick jump.
“Not my fault you’re desperate to see my cock, Riles.” I taunt back, and her cheeks turn a beautiful pink as the blush spreads across her face.
She huffs in frustration, “Yeah in your dreams, Playboy.” Her tone is blunt and disinterested, but I can see a hardness lingering around her.
“We could make those dreams a reality.” I wink. “You know I could make you come so good.”
She snorts, “What to my fucking senses?” Her shot hits me right in the chest. She honestly looks like she would rather be anywhere else, but sighs, “Put that thing away so I can come in.”
I laugh, tucking my dick away but not bothering to fasten my jeans or reach for my shirt. I just swipe the bottle of whiskey back off the floor and take a deep gulp. She watches me silently, before she comes into the room fully, shuts the door and flops down onto the bed beside me with a sigh.
I don’t know her all that well, but this is the first time I have seen her looking a little off. A fact that is only heightened by her choosing to even be around me. “Rough night?” I ask, laying down beside her, offering her the bottle in my hand, but she declines it.
“Rough week,” she whispers back, and I watch as her eyes skate down my naked torso, I almost offer her another sexual taunt until I see the sorrowed look in her eyes. A look I immediately hate.
Instead of using my sexual defence mechanism I find myself apologising instead. “Sorry.”
Her eyes flick up to mine. “For what?”
I roll my eyes. “For being the reason for your rough week.” She didn’t say it, but she didn’t have to, her disregard for me pours out of her. It’s not like I expect her to welcome me with open arms, people like me don’t deserve that.
We sit in silence until I feel her turn to me. “Why do you do it?”
“Do what?” I ask, wondering if it's the drink or drugs that bothers her more. It wouldn’t be surprising considering what her parents do for a living, I’m sure she’s heard her fair share of horror stories.
“All the girls,” she asks, and I feel slightly relieved that at least I know how to answer that one.
I shrug. “Why not all the girls?” I’m a red blooded, eighteen-year-old male who has girls throwing themselves at me, like seriously? Why not all the girls? The more the merrier.
I bring the whiskey back to my lips as she asks, “Don't you want more?”
I pause slightly, those green eyes still at the forefront of my mind, but shut down those thoughts quickly and instead I snort, “What like you and little Dicky? More is overrated, trust me.”
“Ah, you’re a pessimist,” she concludes and I shake my head.
“Realist,” I correct her.
She rolls her eyes, before saying, “You haven’t been back to the house?” It feels more like an accusal rather than a simple question.