“So you met Sofia?” I feel her staring at me, like she is waiting to scrutinize my every emotion.
“Don’t ask a question you already know the answer to,” I scoff. “It’s beneath you.”
“Fine,” she grunts, leaning forwards to turn her body fully to me. “I spoke with Gerry this morning, he said Sofia hasn’t stopped talking about her big brother all morning, said she’s more excited than when it’s Christmas morning.”
That tidbit of information hits me right in the fucking gut. I exhale a slow breath, flexing my knuckles around the steering wheel. “Yes, I met her, all of them, they’re pretty great,” I admit, and I feel the smug energy radiating off her.
“That’s awesome, Jace, I’m really happy for you.” I hear relief in her tone and it makes me want to slam the breaks of the car, stop it right here in the middle of the road and ask her why. Why does she still have so much fucking faith in me?
“No, Elle, it’s not awesome,” I snap. “She has everything, a great mom, and a dad, a beautiful home, and an older sibling who I guarantee even on her worst day, is a better role model than me. So what the fuck would she need me for?”
My question is rhetorical and I don’t want or expect an answer as I slide my car into a parking spot and kill the engine, still gripping the wheel tight.
Elle gets out of the car without a word and for once I am grateful for the silence, letting my thoughts in loud and clear. I take a few deep breaths, then get out of the car and follow her inside, but before I get to the door she stops abruptly and turns around.
“Blood. That’s what she needs you for. You’re her blood, Jace. Never underestimate the power that holds. For both of you.”
Our whole family is based on the opposite, we aren’t blood, we are all the family we chose, so is Sofia. But can I really walk away from her, just because she already has everything she already needs? And the bigger question is, what if I need her more than she needs me?
The coffee is doing nothing to cheer me up, not even the rush of caffeine can make me feel better today. It’s the start of the second week of summer, I should be feeling on top of the world, enjoying days at the studio, and making out with my boyfriend. Instead I’m here so I can avoid being home. I don’t want to hear the stupid Rebel’s name one more time.
I’ve been here almost thirty minutes and Sienna still hasn’t shown up. She is always late, so I’m not surprised, but I am getting irritable. I didn’t sleep last night, haunted by hazel eyes and colorful tattoos. I still haven’t come up with a plan on how to stop my life from completely exploding, but that’s where Sienna comes in, she will know what to do. I take a deep breath, just as the bell over the door chimes, signalling someone's entrance and I turn in hope of finding Sienna. When I catch sight of the most perfect couple on earth I freeze. You have got to be freaking kidding me?
The blond bombshell comes in first, looking effortless and perfect in her Rolling Stones tee, cut off denims and white Chucks. Jace follows behind her in a band tee of his own, distressed jeans, and a pair of Nikes. Is the universe trying to make me suffer? Did I do something terrible in a past life that I’m not paying for? I came to a whole ass other town to escape him, yet here he is. God I hope he doesn’t see me. I cast my eyes down, concentrating only on my half-eaten muffin.
I watch through my peripheral as she orders them both something at the counter, while his chin rests on top of her head in a lazily comfortable way, again showing just how close they are. When she is finished ordering she turns to look up at him, the adoration clear on both their faces. I don’t get it. How can he look at her like that when I caught him mid-threesome just two days ago?
I watch them until their order is called and pray to all the gods that they take their order to go, but apparently only the devil is answering my prayers today because they take a seat a few tables over. The blond has her back to me and Jace sits at an angle with his arm flung over the back of her chair.
“Are you ever going to do what I ask?” She pleads in a playful tone.
He smiles in a way that would make a lesser girl sin. “That depends, my Queen, are you gonna ask for another kiss?” He wiggles his brows, then grunts when she punches him in the stomach.
“How the fuck do I put up with you, without stabbing you daily?” She responds, and I find myself smiling at her spunk. At least if she insists on dating a manwhore she knows how to go head to head with him.
“That’s easy, Elle, you love me?” He purrs, as her name slams into me. Elle? That’s the name my mom mentioned before dinner. So my parents not only knew about Jace, but his perfect girlfriend too, and kept it from me. Amazing.
I watch her even closer now, she flicks her hair, looking at him side on and I see her playful eye roll. “Only the fucking lord knows why, Pretty Boy.”
He winks at her again, and then his eyes flick to the side, meeting my gaze and Iinternally curse. “Little Red?” Just when I thought the day couldn’t get any worse.
The blond, Elle, turns towards me, following Jace’s gaze as I glare at him. “Hi,” I grit through my teeth with a nod at him, offering a slight smile to her also.
He smiles, like he is genuinely happy to see me. “Elle, this is Sofia’s sister.” He starts, but she is looking at me like she already knows exactly who I am, which is impossible, we’ve never met.
“Right.” She nods with a polite smile of her own, “Riley?” She questions my name, and I nod.
“Well, I’m Elle, it’s really nice to meet you.” Her smile is so genuine that I think I could really like her, if she had better taste in men that is.
“How’s Sofia today?” Jace asks, and I cut him another glare.
“Perfectly fine, thank you.” I snap, and he huffs a breath, he knows I don’t like him, good.
“Come on, Riles. I know we got off on the wrong foot, but I’m trying here.” I feel Elle look between us at his words, like she is suddenly on guard for him.