Page 91 of Cop Daddy Next Door

And that was enough of that. Jacking off with this many people in the house was definitely not advised.

“Don’t use up all the hot water!”

“Fuck off,” I shouted back to my brother.

“It’s my wedding day, goddammit.”

I grinned as I gave my face a quick scrub with some of my sister’s junk. I shut off the water, but before I could get a towel around my waist, my brother busted in.


“Whatever. I need to get a move on and Dad is singing to Elvis in their bathroom. I’ll never get him out of there.” He started stripping.

I rolled my eyes. “I still have to shave.”

“I don’t care. Nothing you haven’t seen.” He whipped the curtain closed, and the water came back on.

“Why the hell is the whole family here already?”

“They’re probably trying to get into the food early. Aunt Arleen is already driving Ma crazy.”

I opened my shaving kit and dug out my good stuff before lathering up my neck while the room was steamy. “How’s Tab doing? As best as you can tell, I mean. I know you can’t really talk to her with the whole day of superstition stuff.”

“She’s not the superstitious sort usually, but yeah, I only get to text her until the ceremony. Mom has some set-up for us to take pictures through a door or some shit. But whatever Strawberry wants today, she gets.”

I scraped off a strip of beard quietly. I felt the same about her sister. Vanessa could literally ask me to dye my hair purple, and I’d do it right about now.

My brother stuck his head around the edge of the curtain, soap streaming down his ears. “You’re gonna make me do all this madness for you too, huh?”


“Bah.” He snapped the curtain closed again. “You sure about that? Vanessa is a handful.”

“She’s my handful.” I said it so quickly that I knew it was the truth.

I was already certain how much I loved her, but right then, it clicked how much I wanted it all—the actual real deal of a ring and that baby she was already growing.

Not that I had a clue what to do when it came to raising a child. But we could learn.

There was always YouTube. And hey, maybe even a MasterClass. Or perhaps a For Dummies book.

I shook off my latest spiral. The certainty that I wanted a life with her helped to settle the jangling nerves I’d tried to push down all day.

I finished up and slapped on the stinging aftershave. “Bathroom is yours.”


I grinned as I slipped out the door. I’d mostly dripped dry while I was in the bathroom in my towel. I sprinted down the hall to my old bedroom and found my suit on the door.

My mother, always prepared. Thank God someone was around here.

Ten minutes later, I left my room so my brother could get dressed and headed downstairs. All the girls were chattering in my dad’s office, their voices carrying out to me.

When I reached the bottom stair, my breath stalled.

Van stood there in her dress, her wild curls slightly tamed in a half up, half down hair thing. The filmy burgundy material dripped off her shoulders and flowed around her hips to the floor. It accentuated her tiny stature and made her look like an ethereal princess.

Her wide, smart-ass mouth was stained to match her dress with some sort of gloss that made me want to kiss it off her, or wear it stamped around my cock.