Page 116 of Cop Daddy Next Door

Mav: You said eight?

Van: Okay, I’ll just occupy myself until you’re free.

Why did that sound salacious?

I’d just been given lube at a witchy shop. No wonder the Cove was full of babies. Everyone within driving distance was horny as hell.

Mav: If that means you’re having a party I want to join, leave the best part for me.

Van: I always do.

I pulled up at home and found the place was entirely dark. Even the porch light Van always left on for me while I was working was out. Then while I sat there idling in the driveway, lights popped on one by one on the path along Van’s gravel drive, leading to her bus.

I squinted. Were those tiki torches? It was a nice night, with a sliver of moon and a fairly warm breeze for the end of October. I’d toyed with handing out candy to the trick or treaters for my first year in my new house, but Van had devoured all the Snickers I’d bought, and I’d rather do it next year when the house was officially ours.

At least I hoped. She’d probably still have me waiting. But maybe with our peanut nudging her along, she’d weaken.

In the meantime, I’d ply her with sex.

I grabbed the bag of crystals and lube. Not like we needed that, but maybe we could use it for other activities.

Happy Halloween to me.

I grinned, imagining Van’s shoutedpervertin my head if she could hear my thoughts right now. Though she was the one who’d originally put the thought in my head that night in Tab’s bathroom.

After climbing out of the truck, I frowned, staring at my house. Had she fed Francie?

A text came through at that exact moment.

Van: Your little girl is fed and watered.

Mav: Which little girl are we talking about?

Van: You getting kinky already, Daddy?

My eyebrows rose. Okay then.

Mav: You don’t have to prove over and again that you’re my dream woman.

Van: Good. Remember that. Now get over to my parlor.

It probably showed the depths of my depravity, but I couldn’t have rushed over to her bus any faster if I’d had wheels. And if I did have wheels, they would always aim right for her.

And maybe, just maybe, I was beginning to believe the same was true for her.

I climbed up the steps to the bus, flung open the door and was blinded by light.

So many lights that all came on at once. Candles. Tons and tons of them. They were the flameless kind so no fire hazard here, which I appreciated.

In the center of them sat Van on her new bed, wearing something incredibly skimpy and red that showed off a heck of a lot of her alabaster skin. A glowing jack-o-lantern sat between her spread legs.

I dropped my bag. “Jesus.”

Okay, so I wasn’t terribly articulate when I was harder than the steel of the bus.

“I had a speech,” she began.

“Talk later.” I was already undoing my pants, about to say a fervent prayer of thanks that I could come inside her, condom-free. “Also, you better be glad I can’t get you pregnant twice, because damn, woman, you are so hot.”