Page 94 of Cop Daddy Next Door

Paisley stopped by me and gave me a satisfied nod before sighing at my sister. “You are trying out my waterproof mascara to the best of its ability, ma’am.”

“We should have gone with clear.” Tab waved her hands in front of her face.

“Oh, right. You redheads with your blond lashes.”

My lips twitched as I sailed through the door, my head held up high. I tried to ignore the twinge in my back. I wasn’t sure if it was due to me or my sister.

Fake it ’til we make it was the rule of the day for both of us.

The afternoon was warm with just the hint of crispness on the air. The perfect day to celebrate love.

And I wasn’t even throwing up—for one reason or another.

I wobbled slightly when I saw Maverick at the end of the aisle. The wind lifted the gossamer material draped over the massive tree branch, making it flutter prettily. The bird cages swayed gently, and the sound of bells drifted my way.

He was so tall and gorgeous in his suit. The unrelieved black and white against his tanned skin made my heart race. His slightly long hair fluttering in the breeze made my fingers itch to grip and stroke.

We locked eyes, and good Lord, I was in trouble. My heart pounded in my ears, and the bells became a distant hum until I broke the staring contest.

I swallowed hard and forced myself to take in the moment. The rest of the guys were dressed in suits, with a few of them in their dress firefighter gear since the wedding had been relatively last minute. Adam Parish and Austin Lancaster, two of Brady’s firefighter friends, stepped in to cover the bride-heavy side of the wedding party.

There was no way Tab would’ve considered not including include her whole staff. We’d all become such a tight unit over the last year. Even me, who didn’t want to really get involved with sticky entanglements, had ended up befriending the women.

All of these people showing up to support my sister made my eyes misty.

And finally, Brady was standing stiffly at the end of the aisle. Nerves radiated around him as he looked around me for Tab. I was the last one—the maid of honor.

At least a maid for a few more months, anyway.

Stop with those kinds of thoughts already.

My mother was seated in the front row, and I wiggled my fingers as I passed by. She wasn’t overly demonstrative, but even she had a tissue clutched in her hands as I walked over to stand with the other bridesmaids.

The wedding march started and everyone stood. Then Brady leaned forward, his hands covering his mouth as Tabitha came down the aisle on my dad’s arm.

Actually, she more like floated down the aisle with her flowing dress and veil. Her bridal bouquet was simple with the white and burgundy cabbage roses in full bloom.

And then there wasn’t a dry eye in the crowd as Tab giggled into a sob, and Brady laughed as he broke protocol and went down to get her. He cupped her face, kissing her before we could even get close to the wedding vows.

The crowd whooped. Lucky, with one of his twins on his hip, lifted a fist. “That’s how you do it.”

Luna Beck was officiating, and she took a few steps forward. “All right, you crazy kids. Let’s actually do the vows part first!”

Brady let her go and took her from our dad. My father was grinning and just as drippy as the rest of us as tears rolled down his cheeks.

I took the bouquet from my sister. “You’re so beautiful.”

She sniffled and hugged me before turning back to Brady.

The vows were simple and heartfelt. Neither of our families were very religious, so they went with traditional vows.

Tabitha sniffled as she reached into the bird cage for their rings. She leaned against Brady as she stroked the tiny wooden egg beside their rings. She scooped it up with the rings and tucked it into her palm.

A memento for a lifetime.

Both of their voices were thick with emotion as they pledged their love and devotion before all their friends and our families.

“I now pronounce you man and wife,” Luna said with a big grin. “You can officially kiss your bride this time.”