She was stunning.
I barely noticed Tabitha in her fragile white gown with tiny berry colored flowers that dotted her train.
“You look amazing, Tab,” I said once I shook myself out of staring at her sister.
Right then, their twin vibe was more apparent than I’d ever seen before. Both of them glowing in different ways.
Well, actually some of the same.
But they had the same coloring, and while their hair was a little different, the jawline and eyes were so much the same. With Van in heels, they were almost the same height, since the bride was definitely rocking some sparkly Crocs peeking from under the hem of her dress.
Van met my gaze. I ached to drag her close, but it wasn’t the time. Especially since the photographer was heading our way.
I moved in front of Tab and took her hands. “My brother’s a lucky man.”
“You have to say that. I’m a whale in white.” She grinned up at me and I pressed a quick kiss on her cheek.
“Just gorgeous.”
“Oh!” She touched the side of her belly. “Presley says thank you.”
I lightly patted her belly. “You stay in there for a little longer, okay?”
Tab laughed. “We are determined to enjoy every bit of the wedding you all created for us. She’ll stay put if I have to stick a cork up there.”
“Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that.”
“Bride! I need you to set up with the groom!”
“We have names,” Tab muttered. “Coming!” Her voice was sweet and friendly as it carried to the photographer. “Now I have to go try not to see Brady before we do the aisle thing. Not sure how this is happening.”
She squeezed Van’s hand quickly before rushing off.
“You look amazing.”
Van nibbled the corner of her mouth. “You don’t look so bad yourself.” She reached up to touch my clean-shaven face. “Haven’t seen this for a while.”
“Yeah. You like me beardy.” I pressed my cheek into her palm, then closed my hand over hers when she tried to slip away. “I’m sorry I scared you earlier.”
“Not now, GQ.”
Before she could back away from me, I gripped her hip. “You can’t run forever.”
“Mav! We need you over here for pictures.” Honey’s voice broke the moment.
Vanessa backed away and hurried over to her parents, who were lined up for photos, as well.
Maybe she couldn’t run forever, but she was definitely all about running today.
“You okay?” Honey came up next to me.
“Yeah. I’m good.”
I’d make sure Van and I both were, even if it took longer than I wished.
My cheeks hurt from smiling,but it was worth it to see my sister so happy. We tried our best to make the day about her, not just the preggo belly she was sporting.