Page 81 of Cop Daddy Next Door

Before she could say anything else, I raced into the bathroom and grabbed the other stick.


“Oh, fuck.” I slammed down the toilet seat and sank down on it when my knees simply buckled. “Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.”

“Mav? What is it?” She charged into the bathroom and grabbed the stick from my hand, letting out a noise crossed between a laugh, a scream, and a wail. I couldn’t identify it. “Oh my God. I knew it. I knew it!”

I gripped her hips and pulled her closer, pressing my face into her chest. “I can’t believe it.”

“A minute ago, you wanted to make a baby,” she shoved my shoulder, “which is nuts, and now you can’t believe it?”

“I can have multiple thoughts at once, and none of them have to make sense.”


My phone buzzed with Brady’s ringtone. I didn’t answer it. “Dude, life changing events here. I’ll strip for your party later.”

“Wait, what? You were going to strip for his party?” She narrowed her eyes. “Why would your brother want you to strip at his bachelor party?”

I laughed, somewhat maniacally. “Because we were going to crashyourstripper party.”

“But our party only has ice cream. No point in going to a stripper bar when the bride can’t drink.” She swallowed hard. “Or the maid-of-honor.”


“We aren’t actually seeing strippers.” She spoke very slowly. “No strippers. Nada. Except you, apparently? Do you have a sideline I’m unaware of?”

I shook my head. “I got us into this mess.”

“Damn straight you did.” She kissed the top of my head. “I always knew I shouldn’t trust well-endowed men.”

“I meant with the stripper jokes. It was supposed to be funny. Brady and I would crash the party and strip along with a few of his friends.”

Vanessa’s eyes lit. “Oh, yeah? Now it’s getting interesting. Which friends are getting naked?”

“The list keeps shrinking. All Brady’s friends are scattering like rats. Think it’s down to just us as the stripping party crashers. I’ve tried to get out of it a dozen times.”

“Did you pervs get clearance from The Pleasure Palace before you go in there swinging your schlongs? Or is Christian showing up to write tickets part of your act?” She covered her eyes then peeked out between her fingers. “He’s objectively hot, but I don’t want to see him naked. He’s just too anal. But I wouldn’t mind seeing Lucky—” She squealed out a laugh as I grabbed her.

“I saw him lift you off the bus.” I sucked her lower lip between my teeth. “Mine. All mine.” I tightened my hold around her and barely resisted growling. “Both of you.”

She wrapped her arms around my neck. “It could be wrong.”

“So we’ll go to the doctor.”

“What are we going to do with a baby?”

“Watch YouTube videos and figure it out?”

“You’re going to watch a video to raise a child?”

“Got any better ideas?”

She sat on my lap. One benefit to her being so small was that she didn’t weigh much. At least she didn’t now. That was going to change.

God, she was right. Everything was changing.

“No. I’m officially idea-less. But our siblings are getting married in a hot minute, because Tabitha doesn’t mind being ready to pop in her wedding dress. That’s not going to be me.”