Page 80 of Cop Daddy Next Door

“You do have a point there.”

“I have many points.” I kissed her forehead. “How much longer?”

“Like a minute.”

I sat on the edge of the bed. She sat next to me, closer than I ever would’ve guessed.

“Whatever happens, we’ll be just fine,” I said quietly. “Look at me and believe me, Pocket Plus.”

She sniffled. “You say that now, but the wordpregnantchanges everything, Mav. I won’t be Pocket Plus, your pain in the ass anymore. I’ll be your baby mama.”

You’ll be the woman I love. Just like you are right this instant.

I wanted to say it. Iwould’vesaid it if I didn’t think it would send her running. That was a very real concern.

“Want me to go look?”

She surprised me by nodding. “Yeah. You can do the honors.”

“Okay.” I rubbed my damp palms on my pants and rose to go into the bathroom. I took a deep breath and grabbed the first stick I saw on the edge of the sink.

Not pregnant.

I expected relief. Elation. A sense of being born again with a freedom I’d never appreciated enough before.

Instead, I was…disappointed.

I turned around and pressed my forehead into the doorjamb, knowing I had mere seconds to get myself back in line before Vanessa charged in here.

This was a good thing. The timing was all wrong. We could take the time to learn more about each other. What would we do with a squirmy, helpless baby who needed us for everything, anyway?

“Mav? What does it say?”

I swallowed deeply and went out to show her the stick. “Not pregnant.”

“Not pregnant?” She frowned. “What the hell? My damn boobs are sore.” She stood and started pacing next to the bed. “It’s wrong. It has to be wrong.”

“We can try again.”

“Try again?” She whirled to face me. “What do you mean?”

I shrugged. “If we want a baby—”

“If we want a…” She trailed off and jumped on the bed, walking over to me on her knees to feel my forehead. “You’re losing it. You didn’t just say we should try on purpose to make a baby.”

“Nope. I just said we could. If we’re both disappointed, then maybe we should.”

“You’re disappointed?”

I thought about lying. About playing it off. But saving my ego wasn’t worth denying the truth. “Yeah.” I let out a ragged laugh. “Surprised me too.”

“I’m not disappointed.” She fell back on her ass on the bed and stared up at me, her face a mass of confusion. “What the hell? How can I be disappointed not to be pregnant with a baby I’m in no place to have?”

“Maybe you are.” I sat down beside her. “Maybe I am. Maybe growing up and taking care of someone else is exactly what we both didn’t know we wanted.”

She scrubbed her face with her hands. “And the other one says not pregnant too?”

My spine snapped up straighter. “Other one?”