Page 78 of Cop Daddy Next Door

Was I?I’d thought of changing my she shed plans to an actual small house on a whim. I had the money, so that wasn’t a factor. Roots were starting to seem not so scary. Hell, I’d bought property. The roots had already been dug.

I just wasn’t sure what to do until I knew if I had a baby on board. Not that I’d get any clarity from that either. Just wanted to be sure what I was working with before I made any big moves.

“Yeah, I’m just—my life is kinda in flux right now. I don’t know where I’ll be or how I’ll be or—” I shifted, catching sight of Mav striding down the front porch steps in his work uniform out of the corner of my eye.

Weird thing was, he was wearing his bulletproof vest though he hadn’t worn it to work.

My heart raced. Oh, God, why was he even here right now? Had something happened? Was there an incident?

I rushed toward Mav, colliding with him hard enough that he reached out to steady me. “Going to finish that statement?” he asked coolly.

“What statement?”

“You were answering Lucky.” He gestured vaguely behind me.

Lucky had gone back to his truck and was now reversing out of the drive. I was impressed that dust didn’t rise from his speedy retreat.

A married man knew when a fight was afoot. He was smarter than I was in that regard.


“Yeah, oh. Are you making plans to move on I should know about? Is that what fixing up the bus is about?”

“Move on? Why would I buy property to move on?”

“It is a question. But you usually dance to your own drummer and the rest of us just watch from the sidelines.”

There was no missing the thread of irritation in his voice. Or the hurt. “Why are you home?”

“I can ask you the same question.”

I looked back at his truck, where my pregnancy tests waited in a paper bag on the front seat. Ticking time bombs.

“Can we go inside?”

He looked at his watch. “I’m due to meet Brady and the others soon.”

“Oh, sure. Right.” I cleared my throat. “So nothing happened? Like some incident with someone shooting or stabbing or—”

“Is worrying about my life the only time you’re capable of acting like you care?” He delivered his question in a troublingly flat voice that nearly knocked me back a step.

“What’s wrong with you tonight? Getting itchy feet so trying to pick fights?” I gave him a sly smile I so didn’t feel. “Or just shedding entanglements before you go hang out with the latest round of strippers?”

He gave me a patently bored look. “As usual, you couldn’t be more off-base.”

I turned to go back to the truck to grab the bag. Last thing I wanted was for him to find the tests before we could talk. Even if he didn’t seem to be any place for heart-to-hearts.

Too damn bad.

“Where are you going?”

I opened the passenger door and grabbed the bag, then I turned back to see him standing with his legs spread and his arms crossed as if he was waiting for a suspect to take off into the wilderness at any moment.

Was that how he saw me? As an unpredictable adversary he liked having sex with?

Hell, was that how I sawhim?

He frowned, his gaze dipping to the bag. “What’s that?”