Page 76 of Cop Daddy Next Door

“Right.” I shook myself. “What are we talking about again?”

Honey smiled. “Tab said Bonnie’s position at the police department is opening up soon. She’s finally committed to retiring.”

“Oh, really? That’s nice.” I didn’t know Bonnie well, though I knew she was Bee’s mom and an important person in this town. “Do they know who might take it?”

“Brady hasn’t mentioned any candidates. I told Honey she should apply. She’s taken some elective criminal justice classes as part of her curriculum and could take more if she had aptitude for the position.”

“Oh, sure. That’s a great idea. I’m sure you’d be an excellent fit.” I pushed a few escaped curls out of my eyes. “I gotta get home and change then I’ll meet you guys at The Pleasure Palace.”

“You should’ve brought clothes like I did.”

“Yeah, I totally spaced on it.” I flashed them a quick smile and gave them both hugs. “Don’t suck up all the pleasure before I get there.”

“Are the strippers going to be naked?” Honey’s dark eyes went huge as she groped for her huge moonstone pendant. “I’ve never seen an all naked one.”

“You’ve never seen a naked man? Holy crap. By your age, I’d seen a baker’s dozen. Maybe more.”

Both Tab and Honey laughed at me. Nothing new there.

“No. Not a naked man. A completely nude stripper. Actually, I’ve never seenanystrippers. Male ones aren’t as plentiful.” Honey sighed heavily. “I feel like this is another way that men are luckier than women.”

“I hate to tell you, Honey, there’s going to be no men in loincloths tonight. Not a one.”

Honey’s crestfallen expression made me laugh out loud.

“None? What exactly are they stripping off then?”

“Nothing. It’s an ice cream joint. Just picked that place to mess with the guys because they kept messing with us.” I showed Honey and Tab the shop’s gilded website on my phone. “But if they’re watching actual strippers, I hope they feel guilty.”

Truthfully, I didn’t really care. Let the boys have their fun. I’d been to shows with strippers before and it never had gotten too crazy, so I wasn’t worried. Besides, Brady and Mav were cops. I knew they’d behave. Most of their friends were married or coupled up too.

I had other more pertinent concerns right now.

“I’ll catch up with you guys there,” I called as I headed out into the early evening, my first destination not Mav’s house or even my currently being renovated bus.

Nope, I stopped off at a drugstore a town over to buy a couple of early detection pregnancy tests with cash.

Paranoid much? Nah, not me.

I headed back to Mav’s place just as Gideon’s crew was packing up for the day. I affixed a smile on my face as I parked Mav’s truck. He was riding with Brady today, so he’d told me not to worry about picking him up from work since they’d been on shift together and would go right from work to the “location of the event.”

His air of mystery was not lost on me. Strippers.Pfft.

But I didn’t want such entertainment. I was starving and already looking forward to some ice cream, no need for any extra added aphrodisiac ingredients.

I’d had enough sex for the moment, thanks.

Lucky from Gideon’s crew stepped out in front of my truck as I parked in front of Mav’s garage. “Great timing.” Lucky opened my door and helped me down, though I was quite capable of getting out on my own. “We just finished your window seat.”

“Oh, did you? Can I take a peek?”

“Absolutely.” He gestured me ahead of him. “Take a look.”

I ran around the bus, trailing my fingers along the matte sage paint color they’d done the day before. It was just about perfect. Maybe Mav could add some of his magic for a little extra embellishment.

Or I could. It was my bus, after all.

I hurried around the back and up the steps, sidestepping one of the guys in the crew who was still inside. “Hey, Frank. You guys have been doing an amazing—oh my God.” I covered my mouth as I looked around the newly renovated bus. “This is incredible.”