Page 75 of Cop Daddy Next Door

“Aww, c’mere. What’s wrong? Is all this baby and wedding stuff making you itchy?”

I nearly said yes. But I didn’t. It was making me itchy because I was starting to consider maybe someday I might want it for myself.

Not necessarily the whole picket fence routine. I didn’t know what that was about. I might’ve grown up in a boringly traditional family, raised by parents who were surprised Tabitha hadn’t gotten married before procreation, but that didn’t mean I believed in such.

I lived on a bus. Or I had—until I’d unofficially moved in with my almost brother-in-law.

“We don’t have to do this. I’d be just as happy spending a night in with you and the others doing a retro movie watch withThe Breakfast ClubandMean Girlsand stuffing our faces while the silly guys ogle women in G-strings.”

“You’re not mad?”

“Nope. He can look all he wants. He’s coming home to me. Besides, I’d look at Harry Styles naked if I had the opportunity. Doesn’t mean I’m not going to marry Brady.”

“What if Harry proposed?”

She tapped her chin thoughtfully. “I’ll have to get back to you on that.”

I laughed and drew her into a hug, careful not to brush my stomach against hers. Didn’t need to stir up any other paranormal events between our bellies, especially when I was so raw.

“You’re sure you’re all right? You’ve been acting weird today.”

“I’m better than all right. I can’t wait for Mav to ask how our strippers were. I’m going to tell him I licked chocolate ice cream off one of them.”

Tab howled with laughter, clapping a hand over her mouth. “You’re not going to really say that. Are you?”

I shrugged and popped a breath mint in my mouth. Not for the purpose of avoiding bad breath, but because my stomach was threatening to revolt again, although it was nowhere near morning. I was praying I’d be able to stave off the nausea tonight.

And tomorrow morning, since Mav had almost heard me today. I’d had to turn up the music really loud on my phone, and he’d still asked me a few times if I was okay.

Sometimes having a suspicious cop for a boyfriend sucked.

“We’ll see how my mood is later. C’mon.” We walked into the bakery just as Honey was turning the sign toclosedon the door. “Hey, you, get a move on. We have partying to do.”

Honey sighed and tugged her long brown ponytail over her shoulder. “Gonna be a lean one for me tonight.”

I exchanged glances with my sister. “Why?”

“I have got to get out of my house before my mom and I end up on the news.”

“What do you mean?”

“She’s driving me insane. Stark raving mad.” Honey perched on a stool behind the counter and rested her face in her hands. “I’ve been trying to keep it together while I save up for a down payment on an apartment, but my student loans are so intense and I can’t quite piece together enough hours. I’m thinking about taking a couple semesters off until I can get caught up. Maybe find myself a full-time job for a while.” She heaved out a breath. “My wardens aren’t gonna be happy, but it is what it is.”

“Your wardens?”

“My brothers.” She shook her head with a smile. “They’re both always drilling into my head the importance of my education. God forbid I tell them I’m not certain I’m cut out to be a teacher anymore. The idea of taking out more loans when I’m not even sure…”

“You can take my apartment,” Tab said quickly. “We’ll be moving into our house soon, and there’s still months left on my lease. You can sublet it for a reduced rate. Assuming it won’t cause family strife.” She narrowed her eyes. “If you think it might, wait to tell your mom until I’m safely married to your brother.”

Honey laughed and popped to her feet to give Tabitha a gentle hug. “I’ll wait just in case, but you know how much Mom loves you. I think she’d trade me for you as her daughter in a heartbeat. Plus, you’re carrying the beloved grandchild.” She patted Tab’s belly reverently. “No matter what you do, she won’t do anything but praise your very existence.”

I laughed with them while my mind reeled. If I was pregnant, would it be the same with my child? Would my kid be seen as a blessing in Mav’s family? Or would the fact that I was a known chaos goblin who got tickets like I breathed and had a foul mouth and lived in a house on wheels be held against my baby?

I already doubted my parents would be thrilled. They’d grown to accept Tabitha’s child because Tabitha was the favored one with a stable business and life and always took care with everything she did. One little blip wouldn’t change their fundamental opinion of her.

None of that applied to me.

“Right, Van?” Tab asked pointedly, tilting her head at me.