Page 66 of Cop Daddy Next Door

“You’re a loose cannon. I like order.” He shrugged as Mav picked that moment to strode through the bakery in his uniform, looking positively edible—even if one didn’t notice his sexy glower as he took in Christian standing behind me.

“Masterson, don’t you have anything better to do? I just checked. She’s parked perfectly legally.”

Of course he’d checked. I’d driven Mav’s truck to the bakery and dropped him off for work since my bus was still undergoing reconstruction. I suspected he was trying to get on my good side to see my sex toy drawer, but I appreciated the use of his vehicle in any case.

Definitely dating. Keep it up, and you’ll be wife-ing it too.

I stuck my cup in the punch bowl and sipped the fruity drink as if I was dying of thirst.

Mav cocked a brow. “Dehydrated?”

I nodded and kept drinking.

At least until he leaned down to kiss me—or so I thought. Instead, he peered at my cup. “Should you be drinking?” he whispered. “You know, in case.”

“In case you knocked me up?”

More than a few people stoppedoohingandaahingover my sister’s gift unveiling to stare at me and Mav. Including Tabitha and Brady.

And Christian, about ten seconds before he beat a hasty retreat out the door, presumably to head to the cop shop.

Hmm, I supposed I hadn’t used my indoor voice.

I didn’t give Mav time to answer before I joined my sister and started doing my best Vanna White impression, just with wedding gifts—and a few baby ones, though she’d already had her baby shower.

With effort, I avoided him for the rest of the shower.

After the shindig ended and most everyone left except family, he cornered me by the refreshments table, taking the punch bowl I was about to wash out of my hands.

“Afraid I’m gonna dive in and lick up what’s left?” I snapped.

“Testy. No, it’s heavy.”

“Oh, right. Can’t let the little woman carry anything. As if I am not quite used to doing for myself.”

“You are, and you do a great job of it. I just want to help lighten the load. Is that so awful?”

I scowled up at him, refusing to be moved by his melted dark chocolate eyes and how he looked at me with so much…care. That was it. He clearly cared, and it was scaring the holy batshit out of me.

“No. Yes. I don’t know. Don’t crowd me, okay?” I stomped into the kitchen and he didn’t follow. I didn’t know where he took the punch bowl, but he never brought it into the kitchen.

He probably would use it in an art project so I wasn’t tempted to drown my sorrows in alcohol. Little did he know it was virgin rum.

He also didn’t help me clean up. In fact, he went to talk to his brother. The two of them were whooping it up so loudly that I was tempted to work out my mad by stomping on both of their feet. I knew just where to aim to cause maximum pain too.

But I just kept cleaning and loading presents into Brady’s vehicle until my irritation bled away into quiet recrimination.

I drifted over to the bakery’s glass doors to stare out into the night. Across the street, a fall festival had been set up near the lake. In the darkness, bright lights twinkled around the Ferris wheel and colorful ones shone on the different food and game stands. Couples and families roamed around, probably laughing and having a grand ol’ time, while I was steaming about nothing.

Suddenly, my stomach roared. I wanted funnel cake. Dipped in chocolate with a chocolate chaser.

“We’re taking off.” Tab looped her arms around me from behind. “Thank you for an awesome night. Now go home and do handcuff-worthy things with Mav instead of being all snarly.”

I turned to face her. “I’m not snarly. And I’d rather cuffhimright now.”

“Dealer’s choice. Whatever works.” She shifted and her big belly rubbed against mine.

I frowned, something jolting through me at the contact.