Page 63 of Cop Daddy Next Door

Macy tapped her chin. “You have a point. But big’s relative.”

“Macy! Phone call!”

That it was. It wasn’t until Macy had moved on to bark into the phone that I realized I hadn’t disputed Pocket Plus was my girl. Why would I? A man would have to be a damn moron to deny she was his.

Even if I’d probably have to pay her off—and with something other than money—to make it so.

“Here you go, Officer.” Vee smiled as she slid my coffee order my way.

“Thanks so much, Vee. Say hi to Murph for me.”

“Will do. I’d say to say hi to Van, but she’ll be in here again in ten minutes when she finishes this. She’s addicted to the jolt.”

I didn’t know what to say to that, so I went outside and joined her at the little table. “You had Gideon put a big bed in your bus?”

She didn’t respond, just held out her hand without looking up from her tablet. “Gimme.”

I held the drink carrier aloft. “Let me see what’s on your tablet first.”

She held it to her chest. “You know, I thought orgasm denial was your most heinous crime. I now see caffeine captivity is a far worse one.”

I didn’t even bother looking around to see who could’ve heard her. At this point, probably the whole town knew we were doing it, so why bother?

“How do you know about my bed?” She sighed. “Macy. Of course. I didn’t realize I needed to get Gideon to sign an NDA to do work on my bus. Did he mention the custom built sex toy drawer too?”

My eyes widened and she laughed hard enough to bobble her tablet. Which allowed me to see the deep green scaly texture of whatever creature she was drawing.

I dropped into the tiny chair not meant for a man my size. Or one filled with that much shock. The legs wobbled as I carefully set down the drink carrier and sack of pastries. “Did that creature have two dicks?”

She sighed. “I have bat hearing, you have bat eyes.” She turned the tablet my way and I swallowed hard. “And yes, his dick is pierced.”

“He has two. He can afford to bedazzle one.”

Her giggle was musical. “His ass is like yours.”


She flicked to another screen and shifted the tablet toward me again. “It’s not made to scale, but the bitable peach shape was drawn from memory of yours. Not that I’ve bitten it.” She licked her lips. “Yet.”

“As long as you don’t draw other parts of me, we’re good.”

“Why? Sketch-shy?”

“How do I know you’ll be factual?”

“Your fine butt’s pretty on point.”

“Minus the scales.”

She shrugged. “The customer writes monster romance.”


She snatched the bag of pastries. “Ooh, what did you get me?”

I gripped her fingers on the bag and leaned forward until our faces were close. “You have a dirty sideline business.”

She shrugged. “Nothing dirty about people getting off. You enjoy it, don’t you? So don’t yuck someone else’s yum.”