Page 59 of Cop Daddy Next Door

Wasn’t it?

My conflicted thoughts must’ve shown on my face because he tipped up my chin in that sexy way he had. “Did I hurt you? That position was crazy, but you’re so flexible.”

I forced myself to smile. “And tiny. I know dudes enjoy spinner chicks.”

It was hard to think about sexual agility when the super hot, super confusing guy you’d just started having sex with asked you to move in, even temporarily.

Then again, it was just geography. We lived next door to each other. Why not do the logical thing? It didn’t have tomeananything.

“No,” I added. “Far from it. Well, my back a bit.” With a wince, I rubbed the ache in the small of my back until he took over the task for me. “Still Tab’s fault from earlier, I think. Being a twin is a trip.”

“I can’t imagine.”

“I can’t imagine not being that close to someone else, but it’s definitely weird. When she was first pregnant, she was a little worried she was having twins—”

I stopped talking. My vocal cords might’ve gone numb. I was almost sure my brain shut down completely at that moment.

Our gazes connected and held. Then he bent to gather the used towels and shot out of the room, calling over his shoulder that he’d handle the laundry.

Right. Sure. As ifthatwas the most important thing to worry about.


The followingweek contained multiple checks in the win column.

The most important was that Tabitha’s baby stayed where it was supposed to be. Brady didn’t say much about it, but his silence on the subject proved how worried he was. So in the grand brotherly tradition we shared, I made sure to tease him twice as much as normal to keep his mind occupied.

I had plenty of time to taunt him, since Van—and I—were spending a lot of time with Tab now that she’d been put on limited duty at work by her doctor. Her physician was concerned she was spending too much time on her feet, so she’d decided to cut back on her hours. Honey, Mickey, and Tab’s other employees were all fully trained now and they were taking up the slack along with Van, who’d started going in bright and early.

I was well aware of this fact since she rolled out of my bed to get ready for work.

Our new schedule of spending evenings with Tab while Brady was at work and then going home to my place once Brady got off-shift seemed surprisingly natural. And most shocking of all? Though I’d always blamed women for being too chatty, she was positively quiet compared to me.

She was worried about her sister too. So I also teased her as much as I could to keep her from dwelling on possibilities, both for Tabitha and for us.

That talk included strippers.

In fact, Brady and I talked about them appearing at the still unplanned bachelor party so many times that Christian requested not to be invited. That way he could be on duty to ticket us for whatever lewd behavior we displayed.

He actuallydidhave to be on duty, since the force was so small and Brady and I were roughly half of it. The Chief couldn’t go either, for the same reason.

The Chief who laid in wait for most of the week before cornering me in his office under the pretense of asking details about the wedding.

I knew right away that was bogus. No reasonable male wanted to hear about a wedding that wasn’t his own.

Even if itwashis own, I suspected that was a mostlydon’t ask, don’t tellkind of situation.

The Chief should know since he and his fiancée were currently planning his own. Yet again, it was vitally necessary they be married before the baby came.

“You know, maybe people in this town should consider getting marriedbeforehaving kids. Shotgun weddings are so 1982.”

“So says the man caught at the Lookout with his sister-in-law.”

“Almost sister-in-law,” I said distantly before stretching out my legs. I was seated in the chair opposite Jared’s desk and had settled in for a nice long lecture.

Apparently, I wasn’t actually a grown man who could make my own decisions without guidance from the equally daft men around me who had also impregnated the women they were with before they were married.

Wait, not also. There was no also.