Page 58 of Cop Daddy Next Door

But he was making enough sounds for both of us, praising my pussy so fervently I would’ve laughed again if my thighs weren’t quaking so hard I was having trouble staying upright.

He banded his arm around my middle, effortlessly hauling me up so that I had no choice but to brace my feet on the side of the tub. I had no clue what was up with this position or how he made it feel so damn good at this crazy angle. All I could do was hold onto his forearm and rock back against him in time with his thrusts.

“Rub your clit. Let me watch.”

I reacted to his deep, demanding voice without thought. My own fingers were frantic against my clit, and I squeezed around him as the first tremor rolled through me. His hiss against my ear let me know he was just as close as I was.

I couldn’t tell him I was on the verge. Couldn’t do anything but go limp in his hold as he rocketed up into me one last time and sent my body into overdrive.

He bit down on my shoulder to muffle his shout as I reached my peak seconds before him. As his body shuddered around me, I reached back to cradle his head in my arm. Tenderness swelled inside me while he brushed kisses over whatever skin he could reach.

This time had ended far differently than the first.

He set me down on my feet and eased out of me. After one last lingering kiss, he turned off the water and disposed of the condom. Then he came back to wrap me in a towel though he stood shamelessly, gorgeously naked, dripping on the bath mat.

“You don’t have any tattoos.” I continued examining him, pretending I was simply looking for ink and not just enjoying his muscles and all the rest of him.

If only he’d turn around so I could properly inspect his bitable butt.

“Just the one.” He angled his hip so I could see the flame near his sin lines. “When I started the ice sculptures.”

“You’re so talented. I admired them all over town last winter.”

“Yeah?” Pride lined his voice. “I always had a thing for fire and ice. It was fun to see I could make actual things out of it, just not sad blobs that melted away far too quickly. I mean, the melting happens regardless, so I take pictures. Sketch my idea, then take photos to save it.”

“You keep all the photos?” I used the end of my towel to dry my face and neck.


I blew away a hank of sopping curls. “Can I see them sometime?”

“Sure, if you’ll show me the rest of your sketches for the bus.”

I nodded. “I will. I’m having John Gideon and his crew come out this week to start some of the bigger work on the bus, so you should have an idea of what it’s going to look like inside before his crew is swarming around next door.”

His forehead pinched and I knew he was thinking of me sleeping “outside” again. His concern for my safety was sweet, even if I didn’t exactly know what to do with someone caring that much for my welfare.

None of this made any sense.

How could we just stand here basically naked after having sex talking like it was the most natural thing in the world? I wasn’t one to have issues with my body—small as it was, my curves nearly indistinguishable, freckles everywhere—because I’d long ago decided I was damn near perfect just as I was.

If someone didn’t like me for who I was, then fuck ‘em.

Besides, from the way Mav looked at me, I knew he had absolutely no problems with any part of me. At least physically.

“I shouldn’t have said it was an eyesore.”

“Well, it’s a work in progress. Sometimes it’s darkest before the dawn.” I flashed him a grin. “But while they’re working on it, I can stay in Tab’s apartment. I’m not sure why she kept hers while mostly living at Brady’s for these past months, but maybe she couldn’t break her lease. Never asked. Comes in handy for me.”

“Or you can stay with me. In my house.”

I didn’t reply.Say what?

Briskly, he used another towel to dry my hair before swiping it over his chest halfheartedly. Since he was more concerned about drying me than himself, I grabbed the last towel on the rack and started rubbing it over his pertinent parts.

If I started with his very fine ass, who could blame me?

I’d rather concentrate on his backside than his offer for me to, what, move in for a few days? Even if it kind of seemed sensible, it was absolutely nuts.