Page 52 of Cop Daddy Next Door

But right now, it gave me something to do with my hands.

“Entertaining you? I thought you were going to be sleeping. Isn’t that what your doctor said you should do?”

“He said I should rest. Which I am. Besides, as soon as you got here, I felt better.”

“Probably because you beamed your pain into my back instead. Is that some new witchy trick of Luna’s?”

“Oh, no, did I? And you were on a date. Your first date? I’m so sorry.”

“If you don’t stop angling for dirt, I’m going to tickle your ribs until you have to pee. Which should take about five seconds in your current state.”

“What dirt?” Tab blinked innocently, her blue eyes far too like my own. “I’m just curious. I mean, whoever would’ve thought we’d end up dating brothers? Cop brothers, no less.”

“I am not dating him. I would never date a cop.”

“But you’d sleep with one?”

I sniffed. “Dating is another kettle of fish.”

“You two seemed so close today. And he stayed right with you—”

“Yeah, until he didn’t. Is he here now? No. He split. Vamoosed. For all I know, he’s out scouting strippers.”


I sighed. I did not want my sister to know her soon-to-be husband was a pig just like all the rest, but I was fairly certain it came with their apparatus.

“They were discussing the bachelor and bachelorette parties.”

“Oh, really? I guess it’s necessary since we moved up the wedding.”

“What?” My screech could’ve awakened the dead. “As if it’s not soon enough already.”

“Brady really wants us married before the baby comes.”

I glanced toward her and weakened as she rubbed small circles on her rather massive belly. “Yeah, I suppose that makes sense. So how soon is soon?”

She winced. “Very. Shower in a week or so, wedding at Brady’s parents week after that, depending how quickly arrangements can come together. Good thing we are just keeping it intimate and local people only.”

I leaned back against the pillows. “Your sex life keeps me hopping.”

She laughed. “We aren’t getting married just to have sex.”

“Obviously not, since you did it plenty without a license.”

“Someone’s snarky today. Look, I don’t want to get in your business.”

I sighed. “Since when?”

“Sisterly prerogative. Just Mav is not the settling down type.” She held up a hand. “At least that’s what Brady said. Don’t shoot the messenger.”

I snorted out a laugh. “We screwed up at the Lookout Point. What part of that sounds like ‘looking to settle down’ to you?”

She did her serious older-sister-by-two-minutes face. “I hope you’re being careful.”

“Obviously not, or we would’ve traveled across the country to swap fluids.” I shifted onto my side and braced my head on my hand. “He was really sweet to me. Like he listened when I talked. He slept in my lap. He let me wear a shirt to bed and didn’t try to grope me.”

“Aww.” Tab’s face softened. “Well, except the no groping. I rather like being groped. Or I did before I was the size of a minivan.”