Page 50 of Cop Daddy Next Door

Van chose that moment to come down the hall and shake her head. “Keep in mind whatever is good for the goose is better for the gander. So if you’re hiring a flesh parade, we will too.”

“You don’t even have a venue for the—” At Brady’s questioning look, I smiled tightly. “Okay, no strippers. We’ll just bar hop. It’s up to everyone to drink in moderation.”

“Oh, gee, is it? I was hoping maybe you’d do something different.”

“Yeah, me too, but unless I can actually think of that different thing, we’ll drink and be merry.” I lowered my voice as Van headed into the kitchen and stuck her head in the refrigerator. “We can still get strippers. Just don’t tell the women.”

Gripping a soda, she shut the refrigerator door and leaned against the counter that bisected the galley-style kitchen from the living room. The way she was leaning pulled her jersey tight against her tits, and no matter how I tried to lift my gaze to an appropriate level, my neck seemed stuck.

“Since you’re newish here,” she said to me, “I’ll clue you in to my bat hearing. It’s probably my number one bodily function.”

I had no commentary for that one. What did she mean, I was new here? I’d been here since before Tab had come onto the scene. Maybe she meant new to her prime bodily functions.

I was pretty fond of some of them already. Particularly when she came around my dick.

“And like I said, if you want to perv on naked chicks, go ahead. Just letting you know my sister will also be perving on naked dudes.”

“They aren’t as easy to come by for women,” my brother said smugly.

I raised a brow. I had to think he was trying to act super manly in front of Van, since I’d never expected him to go for strippers. Or else he was so desperate for a distraction from the baby concerns that he was ready to throw himself at some pasties rather than deal with any possible complications.

I couldn’t blame him there.

“Trust me, I will find some if you do. I will find a fleet of them. Full nude if necessary.”

Brady puffed out his chest. “No one said anything about full nude.”

She shrugged and took a long drink. “Don’t do the crime if you can’t do the time. We aren’t going to sit in a kumbaya circle while you whoop it up, pal. So choose wisely.”

I patted Brady’s arm as if I hadn’t started this whole line of inquiry. “Yeah, be careful what you pick.”

“Asshole,” he said under his breath, but it held no rancor.

“How is she?” I asked Van instead of continuing to discuss stripper tit for tat.

I wasn’t going to be able to book any on this short of notice, anyway, since I had no idea where to even find some. It wasn’t like the Cove was a bustling city with strip clubs on every corner.

Besides, I’d only seen strippers once, in Vegas for my eighteenth birthday. I’d even gone home with one, fulfilling my most sordid teenage dreams. The fantasy had been pretty great at the time, but I was fairly sure she hadn’t been too impressed with me because she’d neglected to give me her number when she ducked out the next morning.

Brady knew my stripper background, but obviously, Van did not. I suspected that was a good thing if I wanted to use those condoms I’d purchased with her.

Luckily, I’d learned a few tricks since my brief stripper days, though last night had not been my finest showing. I intended to make up for it big time.

Van didn’t answer right away. Instead, she rooted around in the refrigerator and freezer, this time emerging with a pint of strawberries and a carton of ice cream I hadn’t seen the night before. She started up the blender and whipped up some frothy thing that included the rest of her soda. She tested it with a loud slurp of a straw before dumping the mixture in a tumbler.

“She needs a milkshake. Van special.” She gave the tumbler one more shake and spoke more softly. “She’s really tired. Back still hurts. You better upgrade that bed in the new place, Officer Hot Pants.”

I looked at my brother, who shrugged. “Believe me, we are. Definitely not using that bed again.”

“We did not have sex in your bed. Though keep saying we did and we will for spite,” Van announced before hurrying down the hall to her sister.

I grinned at my brother. “And for other reasons beyond spite.”

“Think you might’ve bitten off more than you can chew there.”

“Maybe, but I’ll give it the ol’ college try.”

“I don’t mean just her personality.”