Page 42 of Cop Daddy Next Door

“Not all of it. He pissed me off too much. But when I walked by on the way to the bathroom, I heard some of his ‘mistakes’ talk.” I added finger air quotes.

Mav’s spine stiffened. “I’m sorry you had to hear that. He was way out of line.”

“I get that he’s in a unique situation, and he’s just looking out for his little brother.”

“He was throwing his weight around, and if I’d ever talked to him like that about his kid, he would’ve given me a black eye. As he should have. He’s a grown man and can make his own choices, just as I can.” He blew out a breath. “Not saying every one of mine is always winning, but I follow through. He should know that about me.”

“I already do,” I murmured, ducking my head when his stare got to be too much.

“You believe me?”

“You haven’t given me any reason not to.”

“I hope I never do.” He went back to replying to his sister. “I told her we’ll swing by to get Francie. Brady can do as he wishes with his dogs.”

“She’s gonna know you two are on the outs.”

“Happens frequently, so she won’t be surprised.”

Even though I didn’t know him that well, I could clearly hear how much he hated that fact in his voice. But I had my own sibling to contend with, though we were okay.

At least at this very moment.

“Tab surprised me,” I admitted quietly. “She was so cool this morning. Didn’t give me any crap about finding us how they did.”

“Maybe that’s why they work. Always a balance for the crazy.”

“Think that’s how it goes?”

He jerked a shoulder as he pocketed his phone. “One would hope.”

I tucked my wild hair behind my ears, wishing I had one of my headbands to try to control the chaos. But I had some back at my bus, so I could ask GQ to swing by there on our trip to nowhere on our do-nothing day.

Well, other than picking up his dog.

“We should get a snuggy,” I mused as I forked up the last of my eggs.

He almost spewed out his gulp of coffee. “A what?”

“You know, for the dog. Since we’re going to be wandering all over, I figure hands-free for some of the time might be better. Then we can use her leash the other times. Oh, and I need to go to the yarn shop,” I added before he could argue.

“You had an armful of yarn last night. What was it for?”

“I need more browns and pinks. Doing a neutral rainbow baby blanket for Tab, and the shower’s soon. Gotta get moving.” I sighed and tapped my short, functional nails on the Formica tabletop. “I need to go over my guest list and get decorations. And, um, maybe find a place for this shindig.”

“You didn’t book a place?”

“It kinda slipped my mind, okay?”

“How many are coming?”

“I don’t exactly know. I have a pile of envelopes with RSVPs. I haven’t gone through them yet.”

His brows pinched together. “Good thing you’re hot.”

“You think I’m hot?” I waved it off. “I’ve been busy, all right? I’ll figure it out. I always do. I’m great in the clutch. Or so I say while guzzling butterscotch vodka and pulling an all-nighter.”

“Oh, man, jealous.” Bee stopped beside the table. “I could use a drink after today. My feet are killing me. And my back. And my thighs. God, pregnancy hurts.” She plastered on a smile. “Can I get you anything else?”