Page 38 of Cop Daddy Next Door

How could that be possible? And why weren’t the dogs begging for food?

I glanced at the closed bedroom door. I hadn’t closed that. Had Van? Were the dogs out there pacing to go pee? I hoped they hadn’t gone in the apartment. That would be a deposit my brother wouldn’t get back.

Fuck, Daisy would need more meds. I wasn’t sure of the schedule for the steroids. I’d have to look at the paperwork Grant had given me.

Maybe the girls were still here. If so, I’d have to compensate them heavily. They’d saved my bacon.

Van let out a snuffling noise behind me, and I stilled, resigning myself to waiting a little longer. She deserved more sleep.

The door swung open, and a very large belly thrust herself into the room, followed by my brother leaning in and peering around the door. His shocked expression mirrored his fiancée’s, now that I’d managed to look above the human beach ball to her face.

Hmm, this probably did not look good. Bright side, we were both clothed.Ish?I had on boxers. And Van had on panties and my shirt.

Okay, not exactly clothed.

Hurriedly, I put my finger to my lips.

Brady jerked his chin toward the hallway in the universal signal forget your ass out here.He probably thought we’d desecrated his bed.

This was most likely the last time I’d be asked to babysit the dogs. I couldn’t say I blamed him.

As carefully as possible, I lifted Van’s arm and slid out of bed, nearly rolling onto the floor in my effort to preserve her sleep. I made it to my feet without waking her and looked back to find her snoring into the pillow.

Even with the firing squad a few feet away, I couldn’t help smiling. She was damn cute.

Especially when she was quiet.

I scratched my head and took a deep breath before nudging them into the hall and gently tugging the door closed behind me.

Brady wasn’t worried about being gentle.

“What the hell is going on here?”

Tabitha poked him in the side. “I’d say it’s obvious. Don’t be an ass.”

“In my bed?Ourbed? Good thing we were getting another one. What the hell were you thinking?”

Irritation burned up my spine. “Can I pee before the interrogation continues or is that not allowed? Since apparently when I wasn’t paying attention, you became my daddy. Am I supposed to answer to you?”

The door cracked open behind us. So much for letting Van sleep. “If he’s your daddy, then my own sister is gonna be my stepmom, and that’s creepy as hell.”

Tab narrowed her eyes at her sister. “Really? That’s your contribution?”

“You’re the ones who stormed in here acting like asses because two grown people were sleeping. We weresleeping.Maybe that’s equivalent to porn in your current state, and if that’s true, I’m very sorry for the both of you.” She nudged me out of her way and then gave Brady a hard shove on her way down the hall.

I did not watch her ass twitch under my T-shirt. I was not that sort of man.


“Is Daisy okay?” I asked, trying to see around them down the hall. It was entirely too quiet in the apartment.

“Honey said she’s fine. When I called to let her know we were on the way back early, she offered to take the dogs to her place ‘so they didn’t witness the bloodshed.’” Tab did air quotes while my brother seethed.

“Guess you didn’t realize they’d left during your sex-a-thon in our damn bed. No wonder you were exhausted.”

I narrowed my eyes at my brother. “You are a prick.”

“Takes one to know.” He pinched the bridge of his nose. “The Chief filled me in on some of last night’s events. Including the little notation on Christian’s log that he located you and Van at the Lookout. Wonder why that was?”