“Breeding kink?” He doubled over laughing until he was wheezing. Until I couldn’t help laughing too because he sounded like a drunken hyena. “What the hell is that?”
“I’m not exactly sure, but I think it involves milk production.”
That sobered him up quickly. “Van, I couldn’t even give my brother’s dog the right treats. Do you honestly think I’m craving a child? What would I do with one? I don’t have enough money to hire nannies to keep the thing alive.”
I was almost disgusted at myself how swiftly I softened in his direction. And it kept happening. I was beginning to think I was pathologically unable to stay irritated at Maverick McNeill.
“I think you see your brother happy and want some of that.”
“Don’t you?”
“Yeah.” It was easier to admit than I’d expected. “Tab was always the good girl who sat home. I never had to worry I was going to lose her to a guy because she was all about work, period.”
“You aren’t going to lose your sister. Just like I’m not losing my brother. They’re getting married, not moving to Cambodia and never coming back again.”
“Yeah.” I wrapped my fingers around the wheel. “I guess you’re right. It’s just going to be different.”
“That’s definitely true. And with all the marital activities ramping up this month, that’s going to be driven home over and over again.”
“Ugh. Yes.” Now that my worry for my furry family member was in check, a new one was intruding. I didn’t do worries, dammit. I hated them. “That damn Jack and Jill shower is coming up soon.”
“How’s the planning coming?”
I slanted him a glance. “I have a Post-it note with game ideas and I invited everyone.”
“Not true. I never got an invitation.”
She snorted. “As if you’d come.”
“I might. I‘m still offended I wasn’t asked.”
“I’m sure. Write me up as a member of the sucky sister Maid-of Honor committee.”
He squeezed my thigh again as I turned the wipers on high to combat the sudden deluge. “I didn’t mean I wanted to have sex with you again.”
“Oh, thanks.”
He chuckled. “Can’t please you, can I?”
“You already did earlier, but gotta say, it’s much more likely when your mouth isn’t involved.”
“You only say that because my mouth hasn’t been involved with you. Yet.” His thumb rubbed against the seam of my jeans, creating sparks along my inner thigh. “I’ve been sleeping for shit all this week. I blamed you for that too, ever since you moved in next door.”
“Sure, that’s me. The cause of all the world’s ills.”
“So I wanted to see what it’d be like to have you next to me. Maybe I could get some damn rest then.” His thumb inched higher. “No sex. Though if you’re looking for a little foreplay chaser to send you off into dreamland, I could probably be convinced.”
“Sounds like you need the foreplay chaser more than I do. I sleep like a damn baby.”
He didn’t know I was lying through my teeth, and hopefully, he never would.
“Why doesn’t this surprise me?” he asked wryly.
Someone who didn’t have any issue with sleeping was Daisy, even after my surprise slamming of the brakes. She was still sawing them off when we reached Brady’s apartment building. We had to poke her several times to get her up. Mav was about to carry her inside when she roused herself from the seat and dragged herself out the door with a grumble after Mav clicked on her leash.
She promptly showed her displeasure over being awakened by peeing on Mav’s tire.
I couldn’t hold back my laugh. “What is with you and dogs peeing on you?”