Page 30 of Cop Daddy Next Door

“Oh, she would’ve supported me, but I didn’t ever really relish the whole hapless sister role. Tab always was the one who had it all together. I was lucky if the dog didn’t eat my homework two weeks in a row. And we didn’t have any pets growing up.”

“What happened to the baby?” I leaned forward until I was in her eye-line. “Whatever happened, whatever choice you made, I won’t judge you. I promise. No one else was there, so no one else gets a say.”

“I miscarried over the summer.” She blinked quickly and then pasted on a wan smile. “Bet you expected something else.”

“No. I didn’t expect anything.”

“It was super early. I didn’t even make it out of the first trimester. Never showed. Never even missed a period because mine were always super erratic. If I hadn’t taken a test, I never would’ve known.”

“Why did you?”

“Because Tab started throwing up.”


“Not sure if you’ve ever heard how twins sometimes mirror each other with certain things. It’s really weird. Well, I got sick a few days in a row, and I played it off as food poisoning. Then Tab started throwing up, and my gut told me it was something more.”

“Hmm.Have you thrown up with her baby?”

“No. Thank God. But I did get headaches early on because she was running herself ragged. Ms. Super Competent, who insists on showing us all up because she can do everything flawlessly. Now she’s met Mr. Perfect and is going to have the sweetest little family, and I can’t be jealous of her because I love her to death and she deserves it.”

“Also because you still hate men and are considering going the female route?”

“It is always an option.” She glanced at me. “Thanks for not being syrupy. I hate that.”

“I’m too impressed with how strong you are to be syrupy. Whatever that means.”

She pointed at me. “Now you’re verging on it, GQ.”

I went for broke and let go of her hand to sling my arm around her small shoulders. She was so petite, so seemingly fragile. But so much strength lived inside her, more than I’d ever dreamed. “Hungry?”

“I could eat.” She bit her lower lip. “I called Honey to watch the dogs. So Brady’s apartment should still be intact. I hope.”

“As in my sister Honey?”

“Unless you know another one.”

I rubbed the sudden furious pounding in my temple. “This night is never going to end, is it?”


“You have a sister. Do you realize how much shit she’s going to give me when we walk in together?”


“Trust me it won’t be pretty.”

“Who said we were walking in together?”

“Me. Because if I’m getting us food, we’re eating it together. I have Chinese left from dinner too.” When she didn’t seem interested, I gave her my most soulful expression. “Please? I could’ve been injured tonight.”

“Man, you’re gonna play that worry card to death.”

“Possibly. So what do you say?”

“I say if you take out a candle, you’re getting struck with it.”

It felt so good to laugh. The ache in my head and shoulders bled away almost instantly. “I’ll try to control myself.”