Page 29 of Cop Daddy Next Door

She released a long breath. “I know I acted odd before. I’m sure I weirded you out. Hell, I weirded myself out. I just couldn’t believe it could happen again.” She blew out a breath. “All these years since, I’ve been so careful. No slip-ups. But I had to go off the Pill last year because it was messing with my system, and I stopped carrying condoms because I didn’t need them.”

“You too, huh?”

She glanced at me sharply.

“It’s been a damn long time since I’ve been with anyone. Probably why I rutted into you like an untrained dog.”

“Well, now, with that lovely description of our lovemaking, the night is complete.” She squeezed my fingers. “If that was your untrained dog, what’s your prized poodle? That certainly didn’t seem unskilled to me, sir.”

“Maybe I’ll show you someday. After we do civilized things like sharing a meal and some conversation while I admire your eyes glowing by candlelight.”

“Oh, Jesus, don’t tell me you’re a romantic. Amazing cock or not, if I’d known you were one of those, I’d have steered clear.” She tapped her chin with her opposite hand. “Tab never said Brady was one.”

“Who said I’m a romantic?”

“Candlelight? Hello? I can tell you High School Todd did not care about candlelight when he was feeling me up during study hall.”

“High school was some years ago for me.”

“Not as many as for me.” She smiled convincingly enough that some of the worry inside me ebbed. “The cougar thing is kinda cool.”

I shook my head. “You are the strangest woman I’ve ever met.”

“And I like it that way. Why be a copy of someone else when you can be authentically yourself?”

“Got me there.”

She tugged at a frayed string in the hole on the knee of her jeans. “When I realized I was pregnant, I went to his house. His dad answered the door. He must’ve told him to say he wasn’t home because he stammered a lot before finally saying Todd had a lot of homework and couldn’t come to the door. So I told his dad why I was there.”

“Holy shit. You had balls.”

She jerked a shoulder. “I decided right then and there that I wasn’t going to be ashamed about it. I was only sixteen, but I didn’t make that baby alone.”

“No, you sure didn’t. What happened then?”

“He told me it couldn’t be his son’s. Then when I finally got Todd on the phone, he also said it wasn’t his.”


“Damn straight. He said it wasn’t as if I had any proof, and besides, he’d heard I would do it with anyone.” She jabbed at the hole in her jeans. “I hadn’t been with anyone else. And after that, I didn’t touch another guy for two years. Actually considered switching teams since I couldn’t get pregnant with a chick, but unfortunately, I like male apparatus even when I don’t always like males.”

I moved incrementally toward her, and she jerked as if I’d just burned her with a flaming hot poker. “Can I hold you?”

“I’d rather if you didn’t. It’s easier to say all this when you’re over there.”

Swallowing hard, I nodded.

“I’ve never told anyone else.” She stared straight ahead.

“No one?”


“Not even your sister?”

“Definitely not her. She would’ve been aghast. My sister was the life plan girl. I think she saved her virginity until college. She definitely wouldn’t have flung it at Todd Miller.”

I now had a full name for the faceless dude I wanted to plow my fist into. Over and over again. “She loves you. You supported her with the whole Brady thing.”