Page 25 of Cop Daddy Next Door

And maybe, just maybe, I was still a little bit hard.

I was only human. This woman also drove me insane in the best and worst way all wrapped into one hurricane.

But Christian at the window pounding and threatening definitely killed a boner quick. In fact, he should just stand outside the Lookout Point all season long and people would drive right on by. Then again, it would hurt his ticket count if that were the case. Not that there was a leaderboard in the office, but if there was one, Christian would be in line for the championship title.

“Get the hell back. Give us a second.”

The knocking finally ceased and he stepped back, his hulking shadow finally retreating from my truck. But not far.

I gritted my teeth and gently gripped Van’s hips to extricate myself from the warm clutch of her body as discreetly as I could manage. She’d gone stone silent and way too pale, tightening her arms around her torso as if she couldn’t do anything else. I wasn’t exactly feeling good about this situation either, but I was pretty sure something more was going on with her beyond just getting caught naked on my lap.

This situation was plenty fucked up for both of us, but something felt really off.

After cleaning up as best as I could with the napkins in my console and tucking myself away, I reached up to cup her cheek.

She didn’t react, just kept rocking herself.

Her eyes locked on mine. “Get him out of here.” Her voice was scratchy, like a record that had been played over and over again. “Please.”

Rather than grabbing for her shirt off the passenger seat, I leaned up to drag off my button-down uniform shirt and wrapped it around her. She didn’t fight with me, just tugged it tight to her chin. I cupped her face and waited until her gaze focused on mine. “I will. Just give me a minute with him, and we’ll get out of here, okay?”

She nodded and for one frightening second, I thought her teeth were chattering. The truck was still steamy hot from us and the humid September night, so I knew she couldn’t be cold.

I still couldn’t imagine tough, smart talking Vanessa ever afraid, but she had been earlier. For me. That still blew my mind.

Why she was so scared right now, I had no idea. Normally, she just flipped Christian off, so it wasn’t as if she feared getting ticketed. I didn’t even think an arrest for public lewdness would faze her.

But I didn’t understand any of this insane night and now wasn’t the time to try to unpack it.

Right now, I had to protect my damn job.

“Here, come on, Pocket Plus. Into the passenger seat. Just wait for me, all right? I’ll be quick.”

Awkwardly, she clambered off my lap and dropped back into the passenger seat, taking advantage of her petiteness to draw her legs up to her chest. She cocooned into herself before my eyes.

I reached out to touch her hair, desperate to bring her back to me—to bring back the feisty woman I’d known all these months.

But Christian wasn’t having that and knocked again. “Let’s go, Romeo.”

I hissed out a breath and raked a hand through my hair. “Be right back, baby.”

She didn’t seem to hear me. Good thing, or else my nuts would be hanging in her bus as a rearview mirror ornament.

I checked my zipper was where it should be and climbed out, slamming the door with more force than I’d intended. This dude deserved a karmic beatdown for harassing people who just wanted to find some sexual joy in their day.

It wasn’t as if my ass had been pressed against the window or something.

And I was officially lust-drunk because typically, I would’ve agreed with Christian. Public lewdness was not appropriate. People had beds at home, and they should use them.

But I couldn’t go home, since I was spending the night at Brady’s—

Oh, shit, Brady. The dogs. My head whipped back toward my truck. Wait a second, I’d left the dogs with Van and she’d been with me almost all night. So had she left them alone?

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

Yeah, you did that too. How much more can you regret about this night, wise guy?

Christian was pacing back and forth behind my truck, his steps staccato on the blacktop.