Page 22 of Cop Daddy Next Door

“Yeah, well, I’m not much for being led. I prefer to do the leading.” He glanced around. “Where’s your traveling porn bus?”

I couldn’t stop my laugh. “Around the block. Wanna check out my sleeping bag?”

“No, thanks. Let’s go. I’m taking you home.” He grasped my forearm and tugged, albeit not all that hard because I’d discovered I liked walking slightly behind him.

My vampire with the fangish eyeteeth would be getting one hell of an ass tonight.

Or maybe tomorrow morning, depending how the rest of the evening went.

Saying nothing, he glanced around then opened the passenger door of his truck.

“No squad car? Here I was hoping for the full cuff treatment. Behind the screened partition and everything.”

“Night’s not over yet. Get in.” He boosted me up without me asking and any smart remark I would’ve tossed back ended with his hand on my ass.

My ass totally approved too.

I slid across the buttery soft leather seat and snapped my belt as he shut the door, thankful it was too dark out for him to see my shaking knees.

I hoped.

I wasn’t some virgin. It had been a good long while for me—years rather than months—but I still knew how this usually went. But his being the next thing to family made it weird. And hot.

But still weird.

Not to mention, my sister would kill me. She was trying her best to bond with Brady’s family, to be tight with them in a way she’d never managed with our parents—because they were stuffy nerds who never looked up from their textbooks—and that didn’t include me swapping fluids with Brady’s brother.

I had a feeling it wouldn’t make our first joint Thanksgiving dinner more special.

Mav climbed in and slammed his door shut, reversing out of the lot at a speed reserved for race car drivers and cops with no fear of tickets.

Or really horny dudes who’d forgotten they were supposed to be babysitting his brother’s dogs tonight, not looking to get some himself.

I couldn’t fault his thought patterns.

We didn’t talk. No banter. No insults. No radio. He focused on the road and drove with single-minded intensity, his broad wrist thrown over the wheel. Broad everything on that guy. Shoulders, thighs, cock—not my usual word for that part of the anatomy, but the dude had some girth.

His phone buzzed through his dash, and he silenced it with a flick without reading the name. Just swatted the call away like a fly.

As if he had more important things to do.

Like to zoom along the road that led up to the highest peak in town, shielded on both sides by more trees than seemed possible. We might as well have been heading into the forest.

I’d never actually been to Lookout Point, since I had no need to star watch or make out with random dudes who didn’t have access to an actual bed. But I had to admit I approved of his choice.

I did not want to get railed in front of three curious dogs. Especially one with a pink bow who tended to bark at the slightest provocation.

I preferred to be the one hitting the high notes, thanks.

He turned into the clearing then shot across it at the same high speed, braking just before a drop-off that offered a truly stunning view of the moon glittering over the wide dark bowl of the lake. Then he undid his belt and turned toward me, his jaw seeming utterly rock hard in the shadows. “No more bet. No more games. It was idiotic of me to make that bet in the first place.”

“It was. But I still want all those benefits you offered me for winning.”

“Like getting to live next door to me?”

“Yeah. And stopping by without a bra to borrow some sugar.”

He reached across the space between us to undo my seatbelt. “You make me crazy, you know that?” His voice had gone deeper and huskier, and my quivering thighs had no objections.