Page 119 of Cop Daddy Next Door

Where we did more of the same and even managed to eat in between sleeping off and on during our official wedding day. And maybe we ignored our phones in favor of a little us time before we had to return to the land of responsibilities.

I woke the next morning and smiled into my pillow, only to see that I was now alone in bed. Where the hell was my husband? Didn’t he know that he was supposed to skip work to keep me sexually satisfied?

“Honeymoon,” I muttered. “Where’s my honeymoon?”

“You didn’t say anything about a honeymoon.”

I opened my eyes and threw up a hand to block the death rays streaming in the window. “Turn out the light!”

“It’s the sun, beautiful. Unfortunately, I don’t have that kind of power.” Mav strolled across the room from the bathroom in just a towel and bent down to give me a properly thorough good morning with his lips. “My wife is gorgeous.”

I arched up to meet his mouth, letting the covers dip beneath my bare breasts. “Hmm, I may forgive you.”

“What did I do now?”

“Want a list?” His playful growl made me giggle. “I woke up alone. That isn’t allowed. You have to spend the day in bed with me.”

“Taskmaster.” He tweaked my nipple, and I let out a sound that verged on a purr even to my own ears. “I didn’t exactly give notice that I needed vacation time.”

“Yeah, well, too bad. They can get by without you for one day. Besides—” Light poured into my eyes and I screamed, at least in my own head. “What the hell?”

“First time you didn’t yell motherfucker. Look how motherly you’re becoming already.” He grinned at me as I opened my eyes to scowl at him. At least I hadn’t been permanently blinded.

Then my gaze caught on the carved lamp beside me, its deep green shade done in a woodland pattern with trees and creatures and…

“Is that a penguin?” I asked, running my fingertip over the small figure.

“It is. I know it’s a little weird but the lamp matches something else I’m making. I just started plans for it yesterday, so that will have to wait a bit for the reveal.” His Adam’s apple bobbed as he drew open a small compartment at the bottom of the artfully carved wood. “This is for you too.”

A gleaming silver and turquoise hummingbird ring sat in the drawer, nestled on an emerald bed of fabric.

“Oh my God.”

He laughed as he lifted it and gestured for me to hold out my hand. “I know it’s not rubies or diamonds, but I was lucky to find it this morning.”

The ring slid on my finger like butter. I stared at it wordlessly, so moved I couldn’t speak. He always remembered the details.

“I’m having another one made, but I figured this was a good placeholder—”

I threw myself into his arms, nearly pitching both of us off the bed onto the floor. Frantic barking sounded from the opposite side of the bedroom door but Mav ignored it for a moment while I clung to him and tried not to cry.

For the fiftieth time since yesterday, but who was counting?

“You hate it. You hate the lamp. You hate green. Penguins and birds in general make you mad. As a Cove loyalist, you are strictly a duck enthusiast and will not use objects bearing other fowl.” He cupped my chin. “Talk to me, wife.”

I giggled through my sniffles. “You make me so happy. What did I ever do to deserve you, Maverick McNeill?”

“You showed up on my dock and knocked me out with your see-through top and your smart mouth.” He kissed the top of my head. “Did I tell you I love you, Vanessa McNeill?”

“No. Not even one time. Please say it again until it sticks.”

He tipped up my chin and stared right into my eyes. “I love you. I love our baby. I love our life, as new as it is.” He tossed an annoyed glance over his shoulder as Francie howled. “I even love that hairy pain-in-the-rump in the hallway.”

“And we love you all too.” I reached over the grab my lamp, pulling it into bed with me. “We totally messed up tradition by getting married without rings.”

His eyebrow lifted as I cuddled the lamp against me like a child. “You know that’s not a stuffed animal, right?”

“Yeah, I just want to stroke it for a while.” I traced my fingers over the intricate carving. “This is going to go into my craft room.”