Page 117 of Cop Daddy Next Door

She dragged her red nail along the cleavage revealed by her lacy getup. “My breasts are getting bigger.”

“I believe it. Parts of me are getting bigger too right now.”

“I’m manifesting it. Tab said I should.”

“She said you should manifest bigger breasts?”

“No, she said I should manifest what I want, and I want—” She went silent as I stripped off my boxers, her eyes going wide at my current state. “Oh, come to mama, you needy boy.”

I had to laugh as I knelt on the bed. “You’re really selling this Daddy stuff, huh?”

She didn’t laugh. “Will you marry me?” she blurted.

Good thing I was kneeling, because I would’ve fallen over. “What did you say?”

“I asked you to marry me, dammit. It’s not a hard question. Yes—or yes.” She lifted her stubborn chin. “You don’t have an option to say no.”

I didn’t breathe. Or blink.

My gaze locked on her crystal blue eyes. She was frighteningly beautiful and smart and talented—and she was all mine.

All of these words spun in my head. But my mouth apparently had none of them available to say.

She’d completely sucked away my powers of speech.

Then the candlelight flickered and for a terrifying second, I thought I glimpsed a sheen of wetness in her eyes. The one and only thing I could never ever stand.

“I love you. So much. Do you get that?” I gripped her upper arms, shaking her harder than I intended. “Do you get that, Vanessa?”

Her lower lip dropped open. “Yes?”

“I was going to propose to you. Dammit. I hadn’t found a ring yet. But I have the box. Well, sort of.” My laughter verged on maniacal. This woman had pushed me to the edge of insanity, and I’d never been gladder for the trip. “Yes, I’ll fucking marry you. Tonight. Let’s go.”

“Really? Are you serious?” She clambered up onto her knees to undo my buttons.

Evidently, I’d forgotten to undress my top half in my eagerness to remove my pants and boxers. Even now, my cock was fairly determined to fuck her right through her lingerie, since she kept writhing against me.

“Do I not seem serious to you?” I gripped her small hand and wrapped it around my length.

“That does make a pretty convincing case. I don’t actually have a ring though. I thought I’d have time.”

“We don’t need rings.”

“Speak for yourself, dude. I may live in a bus, but I want a ring.”

“I don’t mean forever, I mean right now. And you don’t live in a bus anymore. You’re going to be my wife. You’re going to live with me in our house. But we can keep this bus.” I kissed her hard, her lips curving against mine.

She eased back a fraction of an inch, kissing me between words. “Oh, sure, now he wants to keep my traveling porn bus.”

I pulled back to breathe. “Of course I do. Is it up to date mechanically?”

“I’ll pretend you didn’t ask that question,” she said with an indignant sniff before attacking my mouth again.

Admittedly, I didn’t put up much of a fight.

“We’re only, what, 3000 miles give or take from Vegas? It worked for Oliver and Sage.”

She reared back to snap her fingers. “I knew someone had done it. Kinleigh was encouraging me to elope today.”