Page 114 of Cop Daddy Next Door

My throat tightened and I cleared it, trying to make the lump go away. “She is. But she’s afraid because she lost a baby before.”


“You knew that too? How?”

“I didn’t know it, but her fear is all around her.” Luna rocked her baby back and forth, keeping her voice even. “The way to combat that is to make her feel your love. And your faith. You have to have enough for both of you until she gets with the program.”

“Okay. Okay, I can do that.” I worked on just breathing, in and out. Hearing the confirmation that Van was so scared—though I’d already sensed it—locked me up inside. I hated that I couldn’t battle all her demons for her, even the unseen ones.

Especially the unseen ones.

“I just want them to be safe.”

“And they will be, with a strong protector such as you to defend them.” Luna stroked her baby’s head, and his blond lashes fluttered in sleep. A pang of yearning hit me so strongly that I would’ve needed to sit if I wasn’t already.

“I just don’t understand where all of this came from. These feelings in me. For her, for the baby. Like they came out of nowhere. I never really thought about having a family before and now it’s all I think about. Is it seeing my brother settle down? Or is it this town?”

“Love is the strongest magic,” she said again. “But it’s new for you, so you don’t trust it yet. Speed has nothing to do with it. You think love has a timetable?”

“Yes. No.” I frowned. “I don’t know. I’m just not this impulsive normally. She is. She’s a damn whirlwind. I want to marry her,” I said suddenly, rubbing my hands over my thighs. “Like…now.”

“Now now?”

“Yeah. Tonight, if she’d have me. But she won’t. Is that why it seems so vitally necessary?”

“Maybe. I’m not some all-knowing being, Mav. Unfortunately.” She laughed and gazed down at her sleeping child. “Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, confused and nervous like anyone else.”

I hissed out a breath and started to stand. “Yeah, I’m sorry. This was another impulsive move.”

“Doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Sometimes wisdom comes in flashes. Sit and tell me what else you need.”

“She likes the sparkly rocks.”

“Oh, jewelry?” Luna’s lips curved. “Many women do.”

“No, not that. Not yet. I need an engagement ring since Brady took our grandmother’s for Tabitha, but I haven’t seen the right one yet. I did do some looking yesterday at lunch.”

“Does the deli now sell rings as a sideline?”

I managed to laugh. “No, I looked online. You know how this town is. If I got caught checking out baubles at the jewelry store—”

“Everyone would have you married in no time. Which you will be, so why does it matter?”

I narrowed my eyes on her. She looked like an ordinary woman. She was beautiful and blond, yes, and she practically radiated happiness and serenity, even more so since she’d become a mother. “You’re not the least bit green. But man, you put Yoda to shame.”

Her laughter flowed out, warm and rich. Milo didn’t so much as blink. “Thanks, I think. So what sparkly rocks do you mean? Oh, crystals,” she said after a moment. “You’re cute.”

“Funny, Van says that about me in the same tone. I don’t think she actually means I’m cute. More like very male.”

She laughed again. “Yet she’s going to marry you, so I’d say she does. What kind of crystals are you looking for?”

“If I say big, will that get me the cute moniker again?”

“Well, big is always nice.” Her eyes twinkled. “But not important when it comes to crystals. They’re not like diamonds. Small ones can pack as much or more punch.”

“I’m not going to make any inappropriate jokes.”

“Feel free. I have a husband, you know. Caleb’s best friend is Lucky. So, trust me, I’ve heard it all.”