“Oh, good. I like cats.” I dipped my hands in my pockets, feeling like a moron.
Not unusual for me around some of the powerful women in the Cove. Including my own.
I followed Luna and Levi into her spacious living room done in all creams and blues, a soothing space that fit her personality and her Zen ways. Silk and satin in the same muted colors whispered around her from the long, caftan-thingy billowing around her ankles.
I half expected chimes to tinkle from an unseen breeze.
She plucked up her baby Milo from his swing and nestled him to her chest. To my utter relief, he did not attach himself to her boob, just snuggled in for a snooze.
I knew I’d have to get used to such things soon enough, but I was still in the learning phase.
Besides, maybe Van wouldn’t want to breastfeed. My own mother hadn’t. Or rather, she’d breastfed my brother and then given up when it came to me and Honey. I didn’t know why. I didn’t even want to know that much, truth be told.
Levi curled up in a fluffy blue bed next to Luna’s chair and settled in for a nap of his own.
I sat down on the couch across from them as Luna rocked her baby and studied me intently. “How are you?”
“Good.” I had no idea how to do this.
“And the new mom and her sweet little one? And your brother?”
“They’re all fine. Really, really good. The baby sleeps a lot.” I didn’t add that she’d needed many diaper changes the few times I’d seen her recently. Luna probably knew all too well how that worked, considering her son wasn’t even a year old yet.
God, I was surrounded by babies, and I wasn’t running for the hills. Clearly, something supernatural must be afoot.
“As she should. And how is Vanessa?”
“Good.” I locked my fingers together in my lap and then yanked them apart. “Uh, how are you?”
“Good.” She smiled serenely. “You seem stressed.”
“Um, yeah, a little. Well, not stressed, just…”
“Out of your depth, Officer?” She crossed her legs at the ankle and tilted her head. “It’s okay to admit. Your aura is navy, by the way.”
Here we go.
I took a deep breath. “Aura?”
“For some people, they process emotions as colors, and I can see them physically. You’re very true blue. Dependable, hardworking, honest. Sometimes too honest. You think this is a load of bunk.”
“Not bunk, exactly,” I hedged.
“The strongest magic is love. You believe in that.”
“Yeah. Only recently though. I mean, I believed in it for other people, just not me. I knew my brother’s feelings for Tabitha were—are—real. I just never met anyone who made me think it might happen for me.”
“And now you have.”
“And you very much love your child already.”
My head jerked up. “How—what—who told you?”
Milo shifted and let out the cutest baby yawn before he cuddled into his mother.
“No one. I imagine it’s too early for the announcement but the lights inside her are very strong already.” Luna smiled gently. “I’m not psychic, but judging from what I feel, you don’t have to worry for her. She’s going to be just fine. She’s strong, your Vanessa.”