Page 111 of Cop Daddy Next Door

“I understand that.” Christian’s voice was tight. “I don’t want anyone to lie. I’m taking full responsibility for my mistake.”

Jeez, where had I heard that before? There were far too many honorable men in this town. It was starting to get annoying.

And I needed to be planning my night with Mav, not interfering in his sister’s woe-begotten love life.

God help the girl.

“Chemistry just happens.” I spoke to my feet. “You can’t control it.”

We wouldn’t discuss how I’d always thought Christian had the equivalent attraction level of a ficus. He was a good-looking guy, but his personality? Not so much.

“No, but you can control what you do about it. This won’t happen again. You have my word on it.”

“You don’t owe me your word. But you do owe Mav and Brady—and Honey—your honesty.” I walked to the door. “Just don’t hurt her. That’s all I ask,” I said over my shoulder.

“Too late,” he said quietly as I let the door swing closed behind me.

Before I could change my mind, I hurried over to the bakery. Tab’s windows were also done up for Halloween with festive bats, skulls, and cobwebs dripping over the door. A vampire swinging from the ceiling nearly hit me in the head as I rushed inside, but I knew to duck—and managed to swerve around Mrs. Gunderson as she aimed right for me with the light of good gossip in her eyes.

“Vanessa! Is it true?”

“No,” I said as I beelined for my sister, not knowing what juicy morsel she’d happened upon but not in the mood for a chatting session in any case.

“I’ll catch you later, don’t think I won’t!” she called.

“Not if I see you first,” I mumbled, grabbing my sister’s arm and towing her into the back while she laughed and sputtered.

Once the door to the store room closed behind us, I turned and gripped her upper arms. “We have a situation.”

Tab’s blue eyes narrowed on me suspiciously. “What did you do?”

“Me? Why does everyone always assume I’ve done something? Why, here I am, trying to get engaged and everyone figures I’m having an illicit affair or something.”

Tab crossed her arms as I paced away to the back door. “That was last month.”

I had to look back with a grin. “True.”

“And, um, what’s this about trying to get engaged?”

“Yeah. I’m gonna propose tonight. He better say yes. If not, I’ll probably kill him. How are you with a shovel?”

“Fair.” She patted her still slightly rounded belly. “And I have to work off this baby weight, so why not?” Then she giggled and bundled me into a hug. “I’m so excited. You really want to get married?”

“I really do. It’s probably hormones.”

Tabitha’s eyes filled as she gave me a smacking kiss. “I knew it. I swear, I knew it.”

“Well, it’s not really a leap in this town.” I swallowed a few times until the tears threatening finally abated. I did not want to be a weepy mess today. “And you know, that whole condomless sex thing probably didn’t help. Every time after, we were good, but too late, the baby had been planted.”

“Presley will have a cousin almost the same age. How cool is that? It’s almost like we planned it.” Tabitha hugged herself as I wandered off to poke at the bat windchimes tinkling over the back door. “Is Mav excited? He better be excited.”

“He is. From the first, he’s been onboard.” I moved on to the witch candy jar on the counter and startled as her green eyes flashed and she let out a loud cackle before her mouth dropped open, revealing some candy. I plucked the wrapped pieces and grinned. “How cool.”

“This town has turned into Halloween central, thanks to Macy’s influence. Figured we might as well join the fun. There’s another of those witches by the cash register. Just put it out there today. I swear, Presley tried to look at it this morning, but Brady thinks I’m nuts.”

“Yeah, well, our kids are gonna be gifted. Or are already. For fuck’s sake, not again.” I pocketed my candy and rubbed my thumbs under my eyes.

“You okay?” My sister rubbed my shoulder.