"I’ll do it," she declares.

"Do what?"

"You wanted Isaac to come to work with you?"

I nod.

"He can’t, but I will."

I blink. "Let me get this straight,youare going to come to work for me?"

"He’s an artist. You can’t expect him to sit behind a desk from nine to five. It would kill his creative spirit."

"Would it now?" I place my fingertips together.

"It would. I, on the other hand, have experience working in an office. My last job was an internship with SGA."

"The advertising agency?"

She nods. "I completed the program, but they didn’t have any open positions for me. I’m looking for a job, anyway, so this works out."

"And what would you do for me?"

"I assume you must have a marketing and promotions department. Perhaps, I could get a role in that?"

"The role I was going to offer Isaac was that of my executive assistant."

"You mean, your secretary?" she asks.

"More like my chief of staff. You’d be sitting in for me in meetings, you’d vet all my emails, accompany me to my various engagements. In short, you’d get to shadow me. You’d learn on the job, and yes, part of the role includes doing what an assistant would do when it comes to managing my workload."

"Oh." She blinks rapidly. "That’s quite a big role."

"I’ve never had anyone in that role before. It’s been reserved for Isaac, to help him understand the complexities of the business enterprises I look after."

"You mean, learn about the shady dealings that your company is involved in?" Isaac snorts.

I glare at him. "I mean, become conversant with what it takes to run my varied operations."

"Is that what you’re calling it these days? Don’t think I don’t know about the illegal arm of your conglomerate."

"Are you accusing me of something, Isaac?" I say slowly. "If so, I’d rather you come out and say it outright."

He opens his mouth, then seems to think better of it. He firms his lips, then juts out his chin.

I blow out a breath. "This isn’t getting us anywhere." I rise to my feet. "It’s probably best the two of you—"

"Wait, I’ll do it. I’ll take the job. I’ll be the best chief of staff you’ll ever have. Also, I want the role. Even if I went job hunting, I’d never get a position like this. I’ll learn on the job. It’s the best damn experience I’ll ever get. And you’ll have someone to fill the position."

"Hmm," I drum my fingers on the table. "And what about you, Isaac. What do you intend to do while we’re at work?"

"I—" He opens his mouth, but she cuts him short.

"He’ll do you a series of paintings exclusively to be placed within your offices."

"What would I do with his paintings?" I snort.

"I’m sure you’ve heard of art investment? One day, his paintings will be worth a lot, and you’ll be getting in at the ground floor, so to speak."