He blinks. "Since when did you begin to quote Shakespeare?"

"I always have." I tap my forehead. "Difference is, I say it aloud now."

He surveys me closely. "You’ve changed, JJ."

"No shit." I smirk.

"No, really. You’re a motherfucking bastard who I wouldn’t trust with anything except for your business instinct and your judge of character—"

"—you do realize that’s a backhanded compliment?" I drawl.

"—I still don’t trust you. Difference is, you seem more carefree, more relaxed, more, dare I say, optimistic?"

"That’s what—"

"Nope, not that." He waggles his finger at me. "If one more of you tells me it’s what the love of a woman can do to you, then I’m going to have to find a new circle of friends. Preferably, those who think unicorns don’t exist in the real world."

"Isn’t that what you’re looking for, though, a unicorn?"

"Am I?" He frowns.

"That’s what led you to investing in that young man’s start-up."

"Sure, like any angel investor, I’m looking for that zero-point-zero-five percent one that’ll gross a billion dollars in valuation."

"You sure you’re not looking for that in the real world, too?"

His lips curl. "Oh, a billion dollars is definitely real to me."

"And when you find the right woman—"

He cuts the air with his palm. "Et tu, Brute?"

"Touché." I laugh. "Okay, no more talk about finding the 'one,' which brings me back to the question, ‘The fuck are you getting married for?’"

"To lock down my inheritance. Need to seal the deal before my next birthday in thirty days, or else, I forfeit it."

I whistle. "We’re talking about all of Kincaid Industries, I take it?"

"And then some."

"Cutting it close, aren’t you?"

He scowls. "Tried to find a way out of it, but unfortunately, my father, it seems, has an airtight will."

"Maybe he had your best interests at heart?" Y-e-e-p, that’s how much I’ve changed. As a father, I understand how sometimes a parent’s actions can be misinterpreted by his child, and most of us have the good of our children at heart, even if we don’t always express it the right way.

Liam’s lips firm. "Either way, I’m not handing over the control of my companies. I’ve worked too hard to get where I am. No way am I going to—"

His phone vibrates. He pulls it out of his pocket and looks at it. "The fuck—?" he growls.

"What’s up, ol’ chap?"

He shakes his head. "Fucking hell, this can’t be happening."

"Bad news?"

"She broke it off."