I visited to hand over some important documents that JJ insisted I hand-deliver to Sinclair Sterling. Summer saw me and insisted I stay for dinner. Why the documents couldn’t be emailed, like a normal person would have done, I don’t know. Apparently, alphahole is old-fashioned when it comes to communication. He insisted they were so confidential he couldn’t risk emailing them. He was also firm that it had to be me who delivered the documents in person. So here I am, after a delicious dinner that Summer whipped up for us.

She brings out big bowls of ice cream, and the three of us happily inhale the chocolate chip concoction. I place my spoon in my empty bowl with a sigh, and that’s when Karma asks that question. Now I glance at her from under hooded eyelashes. "Um… JJ no longer runs an underground crime syndicate. So, he wouldn’t resort to those tactics, would he?"

Karma and Summer exchange looks.

"What?" I glance between them. "What are you not telling me?"

"JJ’s not blood-related to the Sovranos, or to Sinclair and his friends, but they are very similar in their approach to business. And toward their possessions," Karma finally offers.

"I’m not a possession," I protest.

"I say that in the most complimentary fashion," she adds.

"Is it complimentary to be seen as a man’s possession?"

"Hismostvaluable possession," Karma corrects me. "You already know my history with Michael. I’ve met JJ a few times since I married my husband, and I guarantee you, he’s as much an apex predator as the Sovranos."

"He doesn’t move in those circles anymore. In the time I’ve worked at Kane Enterprises, I can guarantee you the business is above-board. And I’ve worked closely with JJ. I have access to his correspondence. I’ve sat in on mergers and discussions. I know the cashflows, the projections, the P&L of that group of companies, and everything is above-board."

Karma raises a shoulder. "Doesn’t mean anything. More than likely, he’s hidden that side of himself so well, you just haven’t spotted it yet."

I frown. "Maybe I have and it doesn’t distress me?" I finally say.

Karma and Summer exchange another of those looks. They’re talking to each other without words in the way close families can, or siblings who are on the same wavelength. Tears prick the backs of my eyes. Damn, I miss talking to my family.And whose fault is that?I’m the one who decided I couldn’t tell them about the mess I’ve gotten myself into.

It’s been a week since I moved out of JJ’s place, and I’m no closer to resolving things in my head. Which is why, when JJ insisted I take the documents to Sinclair Sterling, I agreed. I hoped I’d run into Summer and have a chance to speak with her again. Also, I couldn’t reasonably say no to JJ because the bungalow I moved into happens to be on the grounds between Summer’s townhouse and Karma’s temporary home. When JJ suggested it, I refused. I told him I could find a place of my own, but he put his foot down. He refused to budge on it, no matter how much I argued with him. Then, when I saw the place, it was so perfect, I couldn’t refuse. I wanted to pay the rent, but again, JJ wouldn’t hear of it. He was so persistent; I gave in and accepted his suggestion.

"I know we haven’t known each other that long, but you can talk to us." Summer leans over and takes the empty bowl from my hands. Meanwhile, Karma hands over a tissue.

I dab at my eyes. "It’s nothing. I’m just being emotional."

"You’re from LA, aren’t you? You must miss your family," Karma says gently.

"More so now that I split with my boyfriend."

"So, it’s really over?" Summer tilts her head.

"It is."

"And JJ…?"

I shake my head. "I see him in the office, but it’s strictly business." Of course, I asked for distance, only I didn’t think JJ would accept my conditions and toe the line so willingly.

Karma has a curious expression on her face, but she doesn’t probe about my link with JJ. Not that it’s not evident, with what I said earlier. "It must not be easy, being on your own." She walks over and sits down next to me. "I’m glad you’re so close to Summer."

Karma glances in Summer’s direction. "I spent the last few months away from Summer, and I missed her every second." She winces, then rubs her chest.

"You okay?" I frown.

"Yeah, this pregnancy is giving me heartburn. It seems to have gotten a little worse lately, that’s all."

"Are you taking your medication?" Summer leans forward in her seat. "It’s one of the reasons I was so worried about you and tried to call you. I mean, I’m sure you wouldn’t be that irresponsible. But I also know how stubborn you can be."

"Of course, I’m taking my medication." Karma rolls her eyes. "And we do have pharmacies in Sicily, you know? We’re not completely cut off from the rest of the world."

"Considering you never returned my messages; you might as well have been." Summer scoffs.

"I did text you back, didn’t I?"