Lena slides her fingers down to twine with mine. She slides back and tugs me. I follow. She takes another step back, then another. "I want you to fuck me." She spins around to face JJ. "I want the both of you to fuck me at the same time."

My heart squeezes in my chest. My groin hardens. A flush of heat sluices through my veins. "Are you sure?"

"Very," Lena murmurs without looking at me.

"You won’t regret this?" JJ takes her hand in his and brings it to his lips. "You can walk away, right now. Neither of us will be angry. I won’t take it out on you, I promise. You no longer need to be my executive assistant. You can choose any job within the company. I’ll ensure the salary covers accommodation for you until you have a chance to get back on your feet. It’s included in the package anyway." He glances at me over her head "And the same goes for you, Isaac. It’s the least I can do to make up for being the shitty parent I was."

I open my mouth to reply, but Lena shakes her head. "That’s very generous of you, but I still want this. I want the two of you to fuck me. At the same time."

JJ’s chest rises and falls. He peers into her eyes, and whatever he sees there must satisfy him, for he nods. "Let’s show our girl how the Kane men can satisfy her every need." He glances up at me. "You up for the challenge?"

The canny asshole. He’s phrasing it so I won’t back down. The surest way to get me to comply is by pitching it as a competition. He knows how to wind me up, for we’re too alike, he and I. I know his intentions, yet I can’t stop myself from taking the bait. "Question is, are you? Let’s not forget your vastly advanced age."

JJ laughs. I blink. I’ve never seen him laugh this openly. His features are softer. He seems years younger, like the father he could have been when I was a child.

In two steps, he closes the distance to her. He plants his hands on her hips and lifts up. She yelps, grips his shoulders, then locks her legs around his waist. In one smooth move, he breaches her.

She gasps. Her body shudders. "Jack, oh god. You’re filling me up. You’re stretching me. It still hurts, Jack."

He instantly freezes. “Do you want me to stop, baby?”

This time it’s Lena who laughs. “You walked into that one, didn’t you, old man?”

JJ seems taken aback, then his features light up. “You’re learning fast, little girl.”

The two of them grin at each other, and something passes between them. It’s then I realize how well suited they are for each other. Lena brings out the caring, protective, tender side of JJ—a side I’ve never seen until now. And he, in turn, makes her feel cherished. He treats her like she’s his most precious possession, and she positively blooms under his attention. The chemistry between the two of them is unmistakable. But it’s more than that. There’s companionship and affection, and the kind of connection I’d hoped to forge with Lena but which I understand would not have been possible. Lena and I were never meant to be together—not as soulmates. As friends, maybe. But not as partners. Not as husband and wife.

I take a step back, but as if he senses my thoughts, JJ snaps his gaze on me. "You going to take our girl’s arse? You going to make her orgasm so hard and so many times that she’ll forget anything else but this moment?"

My guts protest. Everything inside me insists I show him the finger, then turn on my heel and walk off. But I don’t. For her. I can’t leave, for this is the way forward. To heal wounds of the past. To move ahead with a clarity of purpose I’ve never had before. This… is right. It may be unconventional, but it works for us. I didn’t get to where I was in my art by following rules, after all. And this is the same.

"I’m ready." I step forward and cup her butt cheeks. Goosebumps pop on her skin. The jets of water pelt down on us. Steam swirls, enveloping us once more in a bubble. I glance around, and JJ holds up the conditioner. He tosses it over her shoulder. I catch it, flip open the lid, and pour the liquid down the valley between her butt cheeks.



Once more, conditioner is poured down the demarcation of my butt cheeks. Only this time, it’s the son, not the father, behind it. Is that weird? It should be weird that only the second man who’s going to dilate my back channel is related to the first. That’s aweirdthought. As Isaac plays with my back hole, I clench down with my pussy.

JJ groans in response. "You’re so tight, so wet, you’re milking me, baby."

His cock swells further, stretching me around his girth. The walls of my channel weep in protest. Flecks of pleasure radiate out from the point of contact. "Let me guess, you’re not even halfway inside?"

"I wouldn’t say that."

"You wouldn’t?"

His grin broadens, until his features seem almost wolfish. "I’m only one-third of the way inside."

"Oh, please—" I glance down to where he’s embedded in me, and sure enough, jerkface is not joking. His thick column is stuffed inside me, but there’s so much of him still not in me. Just then, the blunt tip of Isaac’s digit probes my puckered bud. I gulp. This isn’t anywhere near the erotic scene I’d envisioned when I’d asked the two of them to fuck me. That’s so classic me. Always an overachiever. Always overextending myself, or in this case, trying to fit large, thick objects into my very small holes. "Umm, maybe this wasn’t a good idea."

JJ chuckles. "You don’t worry about a thing, baby. We’ll make it good for you."

I wriggle a little, and his cock slips in a little further. Heat sears my back. Then the blunt tip in my back hole retreats only to be nudged back in.

"Isaac." I try to turn my head, but JJ grips my chin.

"Look at me."