I glance doubtfully into the depths of my glass. The frosty pink liquid is deceptively innocent, but I know better. Already, a pleasant numbness permeates my limbs. Also, I don’t know how much tequila she put in it, but my vision definitely has a rosy glow around the edges.

"Go on," she urges.

Okay, then. I snatch up the half-full glass of margarita then drain it. So does she. I place the glass back on the counter with a snap before clutching the front of my head. I hear Summer’s groan and glance up to find her doing the same. We both burst out laughing. As the pain eases, I realize the numbness has spread to my toes. All of my muscles feel limber. I plant my elbow on the counter and cup my chin. "Hmm, I already feel better."

She tops up my glass from one pitcher and hers from another, then points a finger in my direction. "Come on, fess up, missy."

"There’s this attraction between JJ and me. From the moment I saw him, no other man existed for me. It’s like I have his features burned into my brain. I carry the imprint of his scent in my veins. I feel his presence as soon as he walks into a room, and when he’s not around, I can’t stop thinking of him. I can’t stop thinking of him anyway." I twist my features. "God, I’m pathetic."

"And you slept with him—"

"Oh, I resisted him and the attraction. Trust me, I tried my best to keep away from him. But it was difficult, considering we worked in the same office, and initially, he’d give me a lift to his office."

"And you’re living under the same roof as him."

"It was tough to remain impervious, you know? Everywhere I turned, there he was. His grumpy, glowering face would fill my line of sight. I’d look out of the window and see him swimming. I walked into his room once, and saw him jerking off in his bathroom."

"Wait, what?" It’s her turn to choke. "You snuck in on him jerking off?"

"It was a mistake." I huff.

"No doubt." She chuckles.

"No, it really was a mistake. I didn’t intend to be in his room. I mean, I went there intending to find out what time he was going to leave for the office the next day, and it’s not like his door was locked so—"

"Was it hot?" Her tone is sly.

I blow out a breath. "So hot." I snatch up my glass of margarita and pull on it. "I’ve never been so turned on in my life. After that, I couldn’t see him without imagining him naked, and I was still living with my boyfriend—his son—under his roof."

"I’ll bet JJ went out of his way to seduce you. I’m sure it wasn’t an error that the door to his bedroom and his bathroom were unlocked, either."

"Hmm, I never thought about that." I hunch my shoulders. "I was so drawn to him that the last time Isaac and I had sex, I imagined it was JJ. Even when I was on my own, I imagined it was JJ."

"What do you mean?"

"There was one time I woke up, sure Isaac was in bed with me, but it was empty. But I was sure he’d been there and made love to me. Only, a part of me convinced myself that it had been JJ."

"Are you sure it wasn’t JJ?"

I scowl. "What do you mean?"

"You were under his roof. And your boyfriend wasn’t around. You hadn’t locked the door. And given he’s not exactly a scrupulous person, what’s to have stopped him from coming into your bed and making love to you while you were sleeping?"

I blink rapidly. "No, he wouldn’t…"Would he? Would JJ sneak into my room and fuck me while I’m sleeping? Is that why the time I’d come dreaming of JJ it’d felt so good?I thought I’d been imagining things, which is why I’d woken up so satisfied. And then the time I’d fallen asleep in his office. Both times I’d come so hard, more than I ever had with Isaac. But what if I hadn’t been dreaming? What if it had been JJ himself making me come?It couldn’t have been, though… Could it?

"No, no, no." I shake my head. "It’s not possible."

"You’re right. He wouldn’t do that. He’s not as cutthroat as the Seven—that’s Sinclair and his friends who run his company with him and whose wives and girlfriends are my very good friends," she informs me.

"I mean, he is rumored to have run an underground organized crime syndicate, so—" I raise a shoulder.

"Rumored? So, you haven’t asked him if it’s true?"

"We haven’t exactly done much talking. Also, I’m still trying to work out what the hell I’m going to do about this situation."

"What situation?"

"This situation" —I wave my hand in the air— "where I want to be with JJ, but I feel sorry for Isaac. I feel responsible for him somehow, you know?"