As the last kid heads out for recess Mrs. Lament eyes me carefully, like I'm a stray cat she's afraid of startling. It would take a lot to scare me now.I eat my words as the school nurse walks in a familiar, knowing expression in her eyes. My heart races as they take the seats by my side.
Don't look at me like that.
"Olive, we want you to know that you're safe here and if there's something you want to tell us, we can help you. Now is the perfect time." Nurse Anna says softly.
This is it. This is my chance. Why won't the words come out?
"Why won't you start by telling us how you got these?" Mrs. Lament reaches up dabbing the bruises on my arms, I immediately regret taking off my jacket. It was just so hot today.
"It was an accident." The lie comes easily, the same lie I've been repeating for the past year. They don't believe me, I can tell. I don't know why I even lie, tell the truth… this time it could help.
Nurse Anna worries her wedding band, "If it's not you need to tell us so we can help you."
Help me? I tried that. Nobody listened, they didn't... believe me.
They both sigh before giving each other an uncomfortable look.
Please don't.
My lungs don't feel like they can fill with enough air, even though I'm breathing fine. My chest aches as I shift in my seat. A now familiar ache coming from down there.
"You were asking some good questions in science the other day. I was wandering what brought these up? What made you think of them?
Stupid girl. Stupid ugly girl.
I stay quiet not sure how to respond, if Brandon finds out he said he'd make it worse for me. I really don't want that.
"Olive, you asked if girls could get pregnant in their bottom… what made you think of that?"
Tears fill my eyes and I lurch from my seat slamming my hands down on my desk, "I just saw it on the computer one day I'm sorry." I cry out. Praying they believe me.
Please let me go. You're going to get me in trouble.
"Please calm down you aren't in trouble. Nothing you tell us here will leave this room."
I lower myself back into my seat. Taking deep breaths, the way Nurse Anna showed me before after I got upset in class, "Do you promise?"
They did promise, and they lied. It didn't stay in that room. People got in trouble, and I got sent away. Again. I'm grateful it stopped but trading one pain for another is hardly salvation.
Olive’s long hair flies out in front of her as she pumps her legs harder on the swing, currently in the midst of an intense game ofwho can get higherwith the kid that lives next to her.The way she smiles, how she laughs etches a permanent smile onto my face. Despite how awful the past few days have been without her. I technically haven't had her in a week, Nona said to give her time to adjust to our way of life. That she needed to process her feelings for me. For all that comes with me.
By the time I got back from dropping her off Camilla had thrown a fit trashing my office before dragging her uncle from the compound.
I should've killed them both then.
He called me later that night apologizing for her behavior, citing she still hasn't forgiven me for breaking off the engagement. None of them have and I couldn't care less. I've spent the last few days negotiating him into a one-on-one meeting again. This divide between us is dangerous.
Too dangerous.
My father was far too trusting of his close friend, Camilla’s father until I put a bullet in his skull. Frederick Riviera had been compiling evidence on my father for years. Things that would topple my empire. Failure is not an option and right now a distraction like Olive is a weakness.
But I can't let her go.
They can't know what she means to me, I've plunged her into a world she hates. When the Riviera's saw her, that changed things. She either needs to stop being so damn difficult or I need to convince them she's another whore to me. The thought has me jerking my knee up into the sharp piece of plastic underneath my dash. My eyes glued on my little doll as it bites into my skin.