Chapter 9


Ihurry down the stairs, hopping into my shoes while balancing my bag, phone, and laptop in one hand. Ember meets me at the bottom, barking and wagging her tail.

“Hey. Can’t play right now. I’m going to be late for class.”

I spent the night at Rowan’s place... again. At this point, I might as well just clear out a drawer and a space in his closet for my things. I’m here every night, even when Rowan isn’t—I sleep at his place to dog-sit when he has night shifts. He should be home any minute now, so I don’t have to worry about Ember destroying the entire first floor.

“Come on, girl, let’s get you breakfast before I go.”

It’s like she understands the word “breakfast” because she dashes to the kitchen ahead of me, making me laugh. “Yeah, I love food, too. A little too much,” I grumble, thinking about my sister’s wedding and the dress I’m going to have to squeeze into.

I’ve been stressing about going home, and Rowan has noticed. He keeps asking me what’s bothering me, and I refuse to tell him. I feel like such a hypocrite wanting him to open up to me when I won’t tell him what’s wrong with me. I’m just so embarrassed by the way my family treats me. I don’t want him to witness any of it.

Shoving thoughts of my family aside, I reflect on my growing relationship with Rowan. We’ve fallen into a routine, and it’s like we’ve been together for years rather than a month. After our little getaway last week, I feel like we’ve connected on another level. Following our romp in the limo, we lay in the back and chatted for about two hours. The chauffeur didn’t mind driving around aimlessly after he was offered a hefty tip.

I learned so much about Rowan. For once, he dropped his guard and talked freely about his life. He told me about his full-time job, the one he does for most of the year. I’m horrified that heparachutesinto wildland fires, but he loves it, so I kept my concern to myself.

His family dynamic was a point of discussion, too. I was surprised he shared so much. His stepsister is the only one he’s close to. His mother and stepfather live in Arizona, which he’s happy about. Rowan said he wants those “vultures” as far away from him and Melanie as possible.

I felt awful listening to him talk about his parents. His mother is a total bitch, like mine, and his stepfather was an abusive dick. Apparently, his mother turned a blind eye to her husband’s abuse and stayed with him. Talk about toxic. At least my parents aren’t toxic... to each other.

My heart broke when he shared how his mother took her unhappiness with her life out on him, constantly telling him how worthless he was and how she wished he had never been born. The psychological abuse he endured is why he’s so reluctant to get close to anyone. I hate his mother without even meeting her.

But Rowan has me now, and I’ll ensure he knows how amazing he is.

Smiling at the thought, I rest my things on the counter to pour puppy chow into Ember’s bowl. “Okay, girl. You’re all set for now. I’ll see you later.”

Grabbing my things, I rush to the back door but realize I don’t have my keys. I sigh, dashing back to the living room to grab them. When I make it back to the kitchen, Rowan is walking in. Ember abandons her breakfast to greet him, and he bends to rub her head.

“Hey there, you little monster. How many of my shoes did you devour last night?”

I snicker. “None. I was able to keep everything out of her way.”

Rowan zeros in on me and my heart dances. He looks great—like he didn’t work all night. I’m tempted to throw my bag down, forget about class, and indulge in him all morning.

“Good morning.” I beam.

He gives me a once-over and smiles. “Morning. I left the gate open for you.”


“And I brought you breakfast,” he announces, holding up a brown paper bag and cardboard coffee cup. “I knew you’d wake up late and be in a mad dash to leave.”

Chuckling, I walk over to him to give him a kiss. He’s so thoughtful. “You’re a lifesaver.”

He puts my breakfast down, pulls me closer, and sighs. “And you’re a bit of a mess in the mornings.”

I look down, watching him unbutton my blouse and put the buttons in therightholes.

My lips twist into a wry smile. A month of dating has given him a front-row seat to my tendency to be a train wreck when I wake up. I’mnota morning person.

“You’re being kind. I’m a completedisasterin the mornings.”

“At least you’re cute,” he says, chucking my chin.

Groaning, I roll my eyes. Rowan smirks, wraps an arm around my waist, and pulls me in for a proper kiss. Immediately my lips part, allowing him entrance. His tongue teases and explores. My free hand winds around his neck and I tip on my toes to press my body against his.