Page 8 of Code Bravo

"Doc's not wrong." Both men nod.

Carson steps away and I stay with her. She finally turns her face up to look at me. "Why are you standing so close?"

I am standing close. I'm stuck to her ass like glue. "Because you are in a room full of men and you're not wearing any fucking underwear."

A blush hits her cheeks. I like the pink better than the pale she was rocking. I would take her blushing any day.

"I cannot believe you! You don't have to announce it to the whole damned neighborhood that I was in my towel when men broke in, you insufferable...,"

"While you're not wearing underwear you bet your sweet ass I'm going to be close to you. You're lucky I'm not...,"

"They didn't realize she came home early." Jim's voice stops both of us and grabs our full attention. We both turn to look at him instead of squaring off with one another.

"Do they know who she was even dating?" This from Steve. He turns to Carson. "Did you write it down anywhere? A name? A time?"

"I...guess it would be on my dating app history. Messages and emails. That's how the app works, through e-mails."

"Shit. How did you end up back here so early?"

"Kubla Khan here decided he was going to crash my date."

"The guy was a fucking troll."

"So people saw the two of you out? At the restaurant?" That question from Steve stops both of us once more.

"Um, yeah. I guess. He sat down where...,"

"The troll was." I finish for her.

"Then let's give them someone to watch."

This has both of us tilting our heads trying to figure out what it is he's trying to tell us. Carson is the one to speak though, "I don't...think I understand."

"Let's say you were out on a date," he points to her and then slides his finger over to point to me, "with him."

"You came home - the two of you - and went back to his house." Jim picks up the narrative and I don't have to be at the top of my class to realize where this is going. A smile starts playing at the corners of my lips. I try to kill it but I don't really want to.

"To have sex." Steve puts his two cents in causing Carson's mouth to form a perfect round shape that just begs for something to be put in it and I have just the thing. Her eyes are about as big as her mouth.


"No, no. I like it."

"I bet you do." This comes from behind us. Remy, another member of my team and Steve's cousin strolls in like he doesn't have a care in the world - like he doesn't have to step over a body to come to us. He gives a wink to Carson and I narrow my eyes at him. Remy is a flirt. He can't help but be one. But he better damn sure get a hold on it where Carson is concerned.

"We can use this. Make them think we don't know about them." Jim speaks up before I can go for Remy. The asshole. One day he's going to meet a woman who runs him around instead of the other way around.

"It worked for Ace and Evie."

"Uh, question. Where the hell are we going to hide the bodies if we do this little bit of acting." I narrow my eyes at Remy again even if it is a good question.

"We'll have to blow it." This comes from Steve but Jim is nodding his approval.

"What? What does that mean? It doesn't sound good." No one really answers her because we already know what side of the argument she is going to be on.

"Make it look like they botched the job."

"You want to make it look like...," She starts to laugh. Then when she realizes none of us are laughing with her she sobers up again. "You want to blow my house up, don't you? My home?"